Chapter 18- Girlfriend

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Taytum's POV:
Even though I am Henry's girlfriend we have gotten closer. I walk into work in a good mood. It was a sunny day which made my mood happy. Jody put a note on my desk and it said on it to go to the gym. I head to the gym and walk in. "Hey Taytum." James Haskell said. "Hey James." I said to him. He walked past me and went to lift some weights. I put my bag by the wall and got the stuff I needed out. A pair of strong arm wrapped around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Henry there. "Hey." I said. "Hey." He said. He kissed my cheek and let his arms go. He headed over to where James Haskell was. I walk over to Jody. "Hey.", "Hey. You two are cute together." She said to me. "Thank you." I said. Jody told me what to do so I headed over to some of the players and helped them.

As the day went on I help out more. I went to have lunch with Henry and his mates. It was nice seeing them since I have been busy doing other stuff.

"Right. Meeting in the hall in 5." I hear the head coach say. All the people that were in the gym left for the meeting. I got a few things before I left and headed out to the hall. I arrived and took a seat near the back, nest to Jody. "So tomorrow is the big match and I just want to go over a few things. The team you are playing are Scotland. So the players who are playing already know who they are and so do the reserves. The physio team, you guys have been training with the lads today as I saw. Make sure you keep that up for tomorrow's game. You guys can sort the stuff for the game out now. Lads stay here because I haven't finished going over stuff." The head coach tells us.

The team and I head out the room and get what each of us need for the match ready for the game tomorrow. Me and Jody sort out the bags by putting medical bits in there. We put a lot of each in there because we don't want to run out of any. I grabbed about 6 water bottles from the cupboard and put them in the side pockets of the bag. Jody does the same. I leave my bag on the desk so I can grab it and head on out with it. We finished what we were doing and headed out the room. As we came out loads of the players were walking past with their bags on them. I see Henry and walk over to him.

"Hey." I say to him. "Hey, how are you?" He says as he is hugging me. "I'm good. Got my stuff ready for tomorrow's match. How about you?" I ask him. "I've been good. Sorted out what I needed to sort out. I also missed you." He said. "I've missed you too." I say turning around to face him. We give each other a kiss. "Right I better leave and go get my bag ready for tomorrow. I will see you early tomorrow morning." I say to Henry. "Yeah. I better do the same. See you tomorrow. I love you." He said. "I love you too!" I say to him and we give each other another kiss. I hug jim and the leave to go to my car.

I see Owen on my way there. "Bye Owen." I say to him. "Bye Taytum." He says and waves me goodbye. I wave at him back and get in my car. I drive out of the car park and head home to get my stuff ready.

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