Chapter 41- Secret

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Taytum's POV:
That night Henry came in 30 minutes after me. I even got a text from Jack saying that.

I was making breakfast and Henry came downstairs and wrapped his arms around my waist. "So what are you doing today then?" I ask him. "Well I am going back out with Jack and the other's to finish what we where doing yesterday." He said. "Oh nice. Am I not aloud to know what that something is." I ask. "Nope. It's a secret." He says. He grabs a piece of toast, kisses me on the cheek and walks out the house to go see his mates. I roll my eyes and smile when he leaves. A secret. Wonder what that could be.

I go upstairs and shower then I change into comfortable clothing. I brush my teeth and then I add a bit of make up to my face. Today I was doing nothing. I thought of what to do. I text my sister and see if she wants to meet up. Her name is Chelsea. She is 23. Hey Chelsea do you want to meet up today in London. I wait for her to reply. Yeah sure. Haven't seen you in a while. Where abouts and what time. I read the message and replie. Meet on the corner of the road where I used to live at 10pm. I replied back. I got my things ready and headed out the door to meet my sister. I drive up to the corner and Chelsea is standing there. She sees me in my car and walks towards it then opening the door to get in.

Chelsea gets in. "Hey sis." I say as I pull out onto the road. "Hey." She says. I put some tunes on so the journey is boring. "I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" I ask her. "Oh, I been great. I got into university and not much has happened since." She tells me. "Congratulations on getting into university." I say. "Thank you. How are you doing? I want to know everything." She says. "Ok, well I am now a physio for England rugby team. I have a boyfriend and I am still best mates with Owen." I tell her. I drive into the car park to park my car. "What! You have a boyfriend. Omg. Is he cute? What does he do?" Chelsea asked a lot of questions to me. "Yeah. He is really cute and he plays rugby for England and Exeter Chiefs." I say. "Wow." She says.

We get out the car and head to the shopping centre. I buy some more clothes, mainly sports gear, but other stuff to. "Do you want Costa or Starbucks?" I ask Chelsea. "Umm.... Costa." She tells me. "Ok." I say and we head off to Costa. "What do you want?", "Can I have a tropical ice cooler please." Chelsea said. "Ok  I will have a hot chocolate then." I say to her. Chelsea go finds a table to sit at while  I go get the drinks. "Hey how may I help." The person at the counter asks. "Can I have one medium tropical ice cooler and one medium hot chocolate with whipped cream please." I say. "Yeas. That will be £9.45 please." She says. I hand her a ten pound note and she gives me my change and the recite.

I grabbed our drinks and head to the table Chelsea was sat at. I handed her drink and then sat down. She goes on her phone and I go on mine. It starts to ring.
(Taytum in bold, Henry in slanted):

Hey Taytum it's me Henry.
Hey Henry. What are you doing?
I am out with Jack, Owen and James.
So what are you doing?
I am out with my sister Chelsea and we are in costa.
Sweet. When are you going home.
Oh in a while. Chelsea is going to come back to ours for a while.
Ok see you in a bit. Bye I love you.
Bye. Love you too.

I hang up the phone and see Chelsea who is staring at me. "Henry?" She asks. I nod my head. "Want to come back to my place." I ask Chelsea. "Yeah sure. Save sometime me calling mum." She says. "Oh. How is she.", "She is good." She says. We leave our rubbish on the table and head back to the car park. We put our bags in the car and head to the house. When we arrive at the house, Chelsea leaves her bags in the boot. I grab my bags out of the boot and walk to the door. I unlock the door and we walk in.

"Make yourself comfortable. I will be down in a minute. Just going to put my bags away upstairs." I say to Chelsea. She sits down on the sofa and waits for me to come back downstairs.

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