Chapter 85- 6 Months

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Taytum's POV:
Months go fast quite quickly. I'm now 6 months pregnant. Time flies by. I wake up in the morning and go downstairs. I get to spend the day off work. Rest is waiting for me. My bump has grown quite a bit and I look big. I sit on the sofa and start to watch some TV. I flick through the channels to see what I want to watch. "Hey babe." Henry said. "Hey." I said. He came and sat down next to me. I smiled at him and then gave him a kiss. "How are you?" He asked. "A bit tired and sore." I said. "Ok. Do you need anything." Henry said. I shaked my head as if I was saying no. Henry put his hand on my bump and starts moving his hand in a circular motion. 

"I love you." He said to me. "I love you more." I said. "That's impossible because I love you further than the moon." He said. "Ok, ok you win." I said. We both were both laughing at what we said. "Right I got to go to training now. Call me if there is something wrong. I love you." He said getting up. "I will. Have a good day. I love you too." I said getting up from the sofa. I give Henry a hug and a kiss to say goodbye. Henry left for the day so I spent most of it indoors.

I decided to watch a film. The new, Beauty and the Beast film. It seems really good. I put it into the dvd player and pressed play. About 10 minutes into the film, I fell asleep not because it was boring or anything I was just really tired. I woke up about 20 minutes later so I didn't miss to much. The time was 12:45. I got up and went to the kitchen. I looked through the cupboards to see what I fancied. I was so hungry. I made a lot for lunch. I had a ham sandwich, crisps, crackers, banana, carrots, chocolate fingers. It was a weird combination but I was hungry. I washed my hands and began to eat my big lunch. I ate every bit of it. I wash my plate and put it back away into the cupboard. I walked back into the lounge and carried on watching the film.

The film was nearly finished. I felt a kick. "Omg." I said in a quiet voice. I grabbed my phone and called Henry. He didn't pick up the first time so I assumed he was busy. I left it for a few minutes before calling back. My phone started to ring and it was Henry. I picked it up...

Hey. Is everything ok?
Yes everything is fine but the baby kicked for the first time.
Wow. I can't wait to see. Are you fine though not in pain?
Henry I'm fine. It was just a shock.
Ok. I thought it was an emergency.
The baby is a hard kicker lets just say.
Ok. I will be home in an hour or two. Around 6 or 7pm.
Yay. Ok. See you then. Bye, I love you.
Bye, love you too.

I hung up the phone and stayed where I was till Henry came home. The baby kept kicking for about 2 minutes straight. It hurt but I managed to bare it. A hour went by and Henry came home like he said he would at 6pm. "Hey." He said putting his keys down on the table. "Hey." I said. I got up to give him a hug and a kiss. "So the baby is kicking." He said. "Yes quite a bit. It hurts sometimes but not a lot. I can bare it though." I told him. "I see. Can I feel?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I said. Henry put his hand on my stomach and the baby kicked. "That is one powerful kicker." He said. "Yes very." I said.

Henry made dinner for the both of us. It was yummy. I finished and Henry went to clean up. He left the room and I fell asleep for a few minutes. "Taytum." Henry said softly. "Yes." I said back. "You fell asleep. Go up to bed and rest." He said. "Ok. I will. Can you help me please?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said. I got up and Henry helped me up the stairs. I got into bed and lied down. "If this baby keeps kicking, I wouldn't be able to sleep." I say to Henry. He gets down next to me. "Hey, little one. Please can you stop kicking mummy. She needs to sleep and the only way she can do that is when you stop kicking her. Thank you. I love you and can't wait to meet you." Henry said to the baby. I smiled and whispered 'Thank you.'

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