Chapter 24- Jealous

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Taytum's POV:
We arrived back in London early morning and the lads have training to attend to. Me and Jody where dealing with a injury. Henry heard us giggling, laughing and smiling. He clenchs his teeth and comes in and says to me, "Taytum can I have a word please?", "Uh. Yeah sure." I said. I wonder what about but he seemed pretty pissed though. We head to the changing room and no one was in there so it was fine. "So..?" I asked. "Don't act all innocent. You know why." He said. I look at him confused. "What do you mean?", "You know what I mean." He said. Anger started to boil inside of me. "NO. I don't know what you mean." I said fuming. By this time all the others walk in. Jody comes in to because she heard what we both said to each other.

"Sounds like you where flirting with the other players over the past few days." He said. "Your just jealous aren't you." I said back. I could hear "Ohh" and "Oh snap" in the background. "I'm not jealous. I'm just saying the truth." He said. "Just because I am trying to do my job, doesn't mean you have to be jealous. If you don't trust me, what's the point in this relationship." Oo's where still being heard from other players. "Oh I see how this is." He said. "YOU ARE BASICALLY ACCUSING ME FOR BEING JEALOUS!" He shouts. I start to tear up and run out the room. Shortly after Jody comes running out and sees Andy Farrell. "Alright Farrell." Jody says as she goes past. I run into the physio room and ball my eyes out. I fall on the floor. Jody sits on the floor with me and takes me in for a hug. We sit like this for ages and she says, "It's going to be ok."

Henry's POV:
What have I done. Great. I sat down on the bench with my head in my hands. Tears where streaming down my face. I see Andy Farrell walk in. I get up and head to the pitch and start kicking rugby balls about.

Owen's POV:
Andy walks in and says, "What the hell is going on?" We all look at him and James Haskell shuts up after he sees him. It went silent. Then all of a sudden Haskell and the other players started to sing Let it go. Andy started to get serious, "Come on that's enough now!" He says.

I walk out the room because I had enough and I walk on the pitch. Henry sees me. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT HER!" I shouted at him. "LOOK I'M SORRY. Just help me please?" Henry asks.

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