Chapter 100- Last Time

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Taytum's POV:
I woke up happy. I came downstairs after taking a shower then changing into some clothes and I smelt someone cooking breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and saw Henry cooking. "Morning you two." I said. "Morning." Henry said giving me a kiss on the lips. "Morning mummy." Eleanor said. I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I sat down next to her and ate my breakfast that Henry cooked for me. "What do you want to do today?" Henry asked me. It's normally me asking him. "Spend time with my amazing husband and daughter." I say. "Ok." Henry said.

Eleanor came downstairs in her clothes and sat on the sofa watching TV while waiting for Henry to come down the stairs. He shortly came downstairs in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Henry joined us on the sofa. "How about a family trip to the zoo, sea world or somewhere around London?" Henry suggested. "That seems like fun." I tell him. "What do you think Eleanor?" I ask her. "Good." She said. "Where do you want to go? We could go to the zoo, the aquarium, or somewhere around London." Henry said. "The zoo. Can we go to the zoo?" She asked. "Yeah. Lets do it." I say. "Ok. Let me get myself ready." Henry said. I walked into the kitchen and started to make up some lunch for the day. I put a range of food in there so no one will get hungry. "Eleanor go get ready. We're learning in a bit." I tell her. "Ok mummy." She says running upstairs to the bathroom.

"I'm so happy I have you as my husband." I tell Henry as he comes in and gives me a backwards hug. "I'm glad I married you." He said. "Cheek." I tell him smiling. "Anything for you my dear." He says letting go. Eleanor come into the kitchen with her small backpack on and her elephant in her hands. Henry put her shoes on. "I'm ready." She said. "Time to go." I said. Henry picked up the bag with our lunch in it and put it in the boot of our car. Henry started the engine and we drove to the zoo. "Let's go spend some family time together." I say. We pay to get in the zoo and find a place to sit for a while.

I've got a secret to tell Henry later. I hope he is happy with it.

Henry and I let Eleanor finish eating her snack before moving onto the next animal. The three of us get up and walk around the zoo. "What's your favourite animal Eleanor?" Henry asked her. "Elephant. Elephant." She said. "To the elephants." I said. We walked to the elephants enclosure. Mine and Henry's hands where in each others when we walked to the elephant enclosure. I took some photos of the elephants for Eleanor. There was a lot of photos taken on this trip. We managed to look at half of the zoo before lunch. "Let's go find somewhere to eat our lunch." I say to Henry and Eleanor.

We walk around to find a bench. We soon find one where it is quite and no one is around. I give Eleanor her food so she starts to eat that. I tuck into my sandwich and watch Eleanor have a fun time. "This has been a great family trip." I say. "I couldn't agree more." Henry said. All of us finish eating our lunches and go explore the rest of the zoo. When we finished looking around the zoo we popped into the gift shop. "Eleanor. Do you want an elephant?" I ask her. She nods her head and Henry finds her a elephant. We find her an elephant and then we pay for it. I hold Eleanor's hand as we walk out of the zoo and to our car. I get in and we head back home. Shortly we arrived at home. I need to tell Henry what I have been keeping away from him for a while now.

I asked a few of his mates to help me with this surprise. "Henry, Eleanor. Want to take a walk in the park?" I say. "Yeah sure." Henry says. The three of us walk to the park. "Daddy can you push me on the swings please." Eleanor asks him. He heads over to the swings and pushes her. When Eleanor came off she sat on the lunch bench next to Henry. "Henry I haven't been truly honest with you for the past few months." I tell him. "Ok. What do you mean?" He asks. "Well. I haven't been myself recently. Also I want to tell you something." I say. "Ok." He asks in a confused tone. I hand him an envelope. He opens it and reads the message that's inside. He starts to read it aloud. It read:

Dear Henry,

I haven't been honest with you so I'm sorry. I'm glad I am saying this to you because I can't keep it in any longer. You are going to be the best dad and always will. I can't wait for you to look up and see what mummy has to say to you.

Lot's of love,
Your little monster.

P.S. Can't wait to meet you in 6 months. Here is what I look like now.

There was a photograph of the baby scan I out in there to show Henry we are having a boy.

Henry had a few tears in his eyes when he finished looking at the message. "Is daddy ok?" Eleanor asked. "I'm fine sweetie. Just shocked and happy." He said whipping his tears away. He looked at me. "I love you so much." He said. "I know you do and I do as much too." I say back. He smiles at me and whips another tear from his eye. "Turn around." I say. Henry turns around to see his mates holding up a sign saying: YOU'RE HAVING A BABY BOY. Henry turned back around to face me. He got of his seat and I did the same. He pulled me into a hug and the a kiss. We hugged again. 

"I really don't know what to say." He told me. "You don't have to say anything. At least your happy." I told him. "Yeah. I'm well happy." He said giving me another kiss. "Eleanor. We have some news for you?" Henry said to her. She looked at us. "Your getting a baby brother." I say. "A brother. I can't wait." She says. It makes us laugh. All of Henry's mates come over and congratulate the two of us.

"Our love is strong." Henry says.

A/n: what a journey? Thank you for all the support I have been given it has been very nice. Thank you for those who have read this book it means the world to me. Maybe in the future there could be 10 or 20 special chapters. If the votes go up I will consider on those chapters but if not then I might do it. Thank you for the people who have voted for the book. I'm really pleased on where this gone to. Thanks for the comments. If you want to read another rugby fanfic, go check out my Jack Nowell story. I will now be focusing on that book because this book has come to an end. All I can say is thank you for the support all the way through this book. Thank you. If you want maybe give me a follow.

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Thank you everyone so much.

-Vicki :-)

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