Chapter 31- Family time

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Taytum's POV:
I slept for what felt like hours. The sun was shining through the curtains which lit up the room. I was enjoying my sleep but I had to get up. "Time to wake up sleepy head." Henry said softly. "Morning." I said in a sleepy voice. "Morning to you too. We are going to see my family today." He said. "Ok. Let me get ready first." I said. Henry got up and went downstairs. I finished what I needed to do upstairs and came downstairs. (Picture above is what Taytum wears). "Taytum, after we see my parents can we visit... wow." He said.

I think he saw me come into the room. "I was saying, can we visit Exeter Chiefs please on the way back. Also you look beautiful." He told me. "Thank you." I said and gave him a kiss.

Henry grab his keys from the side and we both headed to the car. I'm not that nervous to meet Henry's parents. I think it will go well. The car journey took about 30 minutes to get to were we where going. We arrived at his parents house. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yeah I'm ready." I said to him. Henry locks his car and grabs my hand and we walk towards the door. We walk in.

"Mum, Dad we're here." Henry said. His mum walked in towards us shortly after, his dad came in. "Hey Henry. And you must be Taytum." His mum said giving him a hug. "Hey mate." His dad said. I shook his dads hand and his mum pulled me in for a hug. All of a sudden a dog comes charging towards Henry. "Hey Frank." He said. Frank walked over to me and I scratched his head. We all walked into the living room and sat down.

-----Time skip-----

"Right. Mum, dad we got to go. It was nice seeing you." Henry said. "Yeah it was really nice to meet you." I said. "Yes you too Taytum." His mum said. "It was nice seeing you." His dad said. I smiled. Henry put Frank on a lead and we walked out the door. Henry put Frank in the back of the car and we got in and headed to Exeter Chiefs rugby club.

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