Chapter 1

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"Run" I told her as I pulled her along with me.

"Wait! My heels will break" She resisted.

"Your life is more important, I'll hold your heels" I bent to remove them fast.

"I'm not running barefoot" she huffed.

Geez, rich people.

I gave her my converse though she argued that these were not upto her standards and she couldn't run on streets with a suspicious guy.

I removed my hood for a moment to show her that I was a girl. She was surprised.

I just made her run fast before the delinquents could catch us.

After we crossed the street. I told her to turn right from the next lane as a policeman would be standing there. She agreed, of course after taking her heels.

I deviated the delinquents' attention to me.

Man! For how long do I have to run.

I crossed the road and at a really wrong time. A car nearly hit me. As by reflex I jumped and bounced onto it, only to fall back on the road when the driver halted it.

"What the fuck? See what you did to my favourite sports car!" a well clad man was shouting at me.

Really now? I mean I could have died.

"I'm sorry" I said looking behind me to see where the delinquents were.

Oh gosh! they are crossing the road.

They reached me and nothing happened. I couldn't hear the man shouting in front of me. I just saw the delinquents run away, ignoring me.

Eh? Did I become invisible?

"Hey girl, you listening?" I was brought back by that angry guy.

It was then I noticed that my hood was removed in this incident and my hair cascaded down.

Ok! So now one more person knows I'm a girl.

Delinquents were chasing a boy but they never knew it was me.

"Pay for it."
"For being a girl?" the words left my mouth without me noticing.

"For my car, you see the dent, you poor, filthy.. " before he could say something more I interrupted him.

"I'm not a beggar" I snapped.

"Well, billionaires don't run around the streets barefoot" he pointed at my feet.

It was then I realized that I didn't take my converse back from Rhea, well, the girl I was trying to save earlier.

"You idiot, answer me, what the fuck is wrong with your mind, are you insane, it's my favorite car.. " he was boiling in anger but I was at my limit.

I couldn't hear more so I just opened my hoodie and took money I was hiding in it and threw it to his face.

"Here, whatever is left get your brain repaired with it" I replied.

He was now seething with rage. I saw a vein in his forehead twitching and his fists balled up. I shouldn't say but he looked hot even when he was angry.

Oops! I should run now.

"You..." he began with his anger laced voice.

I signalled with my hand for him to stop "you can say anything to me but first tell me who's that woman glaring at us as if I had just kissed her boyfriend."

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