Chapter II

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"Guys, out of all the places to meet up, why did it have to be the cemetery?" One of the boy's asked while looking around the area with a grim expression. He wasn't too keen on being surrounded by graves.

"It's fine, Taehyung. It's just a grave yard. Besides, it's quiet and we don't have to worry about anyone finding us. Especially this late at night." The boy who spoke gave Taehyung a bunny-like grin.

"Kookie's right. What could happen by being at a cemetery during the night?" The orange haired beauty placed his hands on his hips as he looked at Taehyung.

"How do you know nothing will happen, Jimin? What if there is some crazy, psycho killer wondering around?" Taehyung scanned his surroundings before moving a little closer to Jungkook, one of his hands reaching out to take hold of the taller boy's arm.

"Really, Taehyung. You honestly think there is a murderer lurking around? You've been watching too many horror movies. You might want to stop because they are causing you to think crazy things." Jimin stepped over to one of the many graves and knelt down to look at the name that was engraved on it.

"Jimin hyung is right. You watch way to many horror movies, babe." Jungkook leaned down to gently kiss the top of the elder's head. He then shifted his gaze over to Jimin to see the other elder looking at the graves. "So, Jimin hyung, when is Mark getting here? I don't think staying here for took long will be a good idea. I don't want Tae getting too scared."

Jimin turned his head to look at Jungkook and lightly shrugged his shoulders. "He texted me saying he was on his way. I hope he gets here soon. I have practice early tomorrow, and I need my sleep."

"Well, he better hurry up. Just being here is giving me the chills." Taehyung muttered softly as he stepped closer to Jungkook, nuzzling against the younger's side.

Yoongi arched a eyebrow as he listened to the conversation between the three boys. They were meeting someone here? This is certainly a odd meeting place. Especially for humans. The vampire was becoming more curious over these humans, especially the one that goes by the name of Jimin. So, he decided to stick around a little longer. Besides, he still had plenty of time before having to head back to the house. After what seemed like forever, Yoongi noticed a figure stepping over to the three boys. Must be that Mark person they were waiting for. Remaining hidden, Yoongi listened in on their conversation once again.

"There you are! What the hell took you so long?!" Taehyung glared at the elder male. He was ready to get out of this cemetery already.

Mark rolled his eyes, and lightly waved his hand towards Taehyung. "I got caught up with something. And, learn to respect your elders, Taehyung." Mark turned his gaze towards Jimin and winked at him. He was pleased when the younger had blushed faintly.

Jungkook rolled his eyes without Mark noticing, not wanting the elder to get angry at him for doing so. "Mark hyung, tell us what you wanted to say. It's getting late, and we wish to head home."

Mark turned his attention to look at Jungkook and nodded his head. Right right. I'll get straight to it then. The reason I wanted you three to meet here is because of a rumor that has been going around lately."

"Rumor? Oh, you mean the rumors of people disappearing around this cemetery during the night?" Jimin tilted his head to the side. "What makes you think those rumors are even true? And even if they were, then why did you want us to meet up at the place where those people had supposedly disappeared? It doesn't make any sense, Mark hyung."

Taehyung's eyes widened largely once he heard what Jimin and Mark said. "Are you fucking kidding me?! Why are we even here then?! I am heading home! Bye! Come on, Kookie!" Taehyung grabbed his boyfriend's hand and was about to begin walking away when he was stopped by Mark. "What is it?! I am not staying here!"

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