Chapter III

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"You won't find those people because...they are already dead."

Jimin's eyes widened largely once he heard those words. They're dead? No, that can't be. Taking a step closer to the pale male. "What do you mean they are dead?"

Yoongi perked a eyebrow. "Exactly what I mean. They are dead. They're not coming back. So, you might as well give up on trying to find them. It will be pointless." Yoongi lowered his gaze. "Besides, you're get hurt if you do."

"What do you mean by that? Do you know what happened to those missing people? If you do, then tell me." Jimin kept stepping closer to the other male, seeing that he kept taking steps back. Why? It wasn't like Jimin was going to hurt him or anything.

"So what if I did know? What would you do if I told you? It's not like you would believe me or anything." Yoongi was beginning to become rather nervous the more the orange haired boy stepped closer to him. Why did he keep getting closer? Yoongi didn't want the beautiful boy to be so close to him. He also didn't want the boy to possibly find out what he was. He definitely didn't want that to happen.

"Isn't it obvious? I'll tell the police. They need to know what happened to those people. I know there must be a lot of people worried about them." Jimin glanced behind the gorgeous man at the tombstone. If he kept stepping towards him, he will be pressed between him and tombstone. And that is exactly what Jimin wanted. He wanted to get a better look at the man's face.

"There is no point in doing that. They probably won't even find their bodies. It is useless to even attempt." Why was Yoongi telling the boy this? If he kept saying anything else, it could get him into trouble with Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok. And that was something he didn't want to deal with. With how the boy kept stepping towards him, Yoongi took a couple steps back, not taking noticed of the tombstone that was behind him. So when he felt the hard, cold surface against his back, he muttered a curse underneath his breath.

"But why? Why will it be useless to attempt? You seem to know the answer to that, and I want to know. So, please tell me." Jimin noticed the man take a couple steps back until his back was pressed against the tombstone. Bingo. Moving quickly, Jimin stepped closer to the gorgeous man to keep him pressed between him and the tombstone.

Yoongi muttered a curse underneath his breath once he realized that he was trapped between the tombstone and the boy. Letting out a deep sigh, the vampire looked at the boy. "I am not going to tell you. You have no business knowing. Besides, I'm not authorized to tell you anything."

Jimin pouted cutely once he heard the male's words. It would seem like this was going to take some convincing. However, it was getting late, and he needed to get home. So, Jimin stepped back completely after having stared at the gorgeous man's face for a moment. "Fine. Don't tell me. I will look for those missing people myself."

Yoongi was relieved when the boy had stepped away. He didn't know how much longer he could take with having the beauty so close to him. The vampire perked a eyebrow at the boy's words before lightly shaking his head. "Good luck with that." Yoongi stuffed his hands into his pockets, his eyes glancing up towards the sky. He needed to start heading back. He looked back at the boy. "Hurry home. I'm sure your friends are waiting for you."

Jimin tilted his head to the side, feeling confused for a moment until he remembered Taehyung and Jungkook. "Oh crap! They are waiting for me! I have to go!" The boy couldn't believe he had forgotten his friends were waiting for him. Jimin turned to dash towards the cemetery entrance, but stopped and turned back to look at the pale male. "Park Jimin."

Yoongi arched a eyebrow, wondering how could the boy have forgotten all about his friends. He watched the orange haired beauty about to dash towards the entrance of the cemetery, but became confused when he didn't. Hearing the name, Yoongi became more confused. "What?"

"That's my name. What's yours?" Jimin really wanted to know the name of the gorgeous man. He didn't want this to be the only time they meet.

Yoongi slowly nodded his head, understanding now. "Min Yoongi." Park Jimin, huh? He really hoped he could see him again.

Jimin smiled softly once he heard the male's name. He would definitely remember that name. "Anyway, I should go now. You better head home too. Bye Yoongi." The boy waved at Yoongi cutely before taking off running towards the cemetery gates.

Yoongi knew his heart would had fluttered in his chest when he saw Jimin smile. He thought the boy was just so beautiful, seeing that smile increased the beauty even more. Once Jimin was out of his sight, Yoongi sighed heavily. "Better head back to the mansion before the others worry. Well, more like Jin hyung and Namjoon." Stepping away from the tombstone, Yoongi made his way back to the mansion while thinking of Jimin.

Jimin ran towards Taehyung's car and quickly got into the back seat. As soon as he closed the door, he heard Taehyung yell at him.

"What the hell took you so long?! We were about to leave you behind!"

"I'm sorry. I got distracted with something." Jimin didn't know if he should tell his friends about Yoongi. He wanted to, but he didn't know how his friends will react to him talking with someone who was randomly wondering the cemetery.

"Distracted from what? The millions of tombstones?" Taehyung scuffed when he saw Jimin roll his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just get home before it gets anymore late." Taehyung started the car and drove away from the cemetery entrance.

Jimin turned his head to gaze out the window as Taehyung drove them away from the cemetery. He instantly began thinking about Yoongi. Never had he ever seen anyone so beautiful before. He began wondering if he would ever see him again. He really hoped so. Without realizing it, a cute smile appeared on Jimin's face as he thought about Yoongi.


Yoongi opened the door to the mansion and stepped inside. It was rather quiet. He figured the others were either already in bed or off somewhere. He didn't care. All he wanted to do was go to his room and sleep. Yoongi walked over to the stairs and began climbing them up to the second floor. He then walked down the long hallway towards his bedroom. Jimin suddenly came to mind as Yoongi neared his bedroom. He had never seen anyone as beautiful as that human before. Sure, he has met attractive people before, but none as beautiful as Jimin. Yoongi wanted to see him again, however, he was worried Hoseok and the others might find him. The sudden thought of one of Hoseok attacking Jimin caused Yoongi to frown deeply. Why did the thought of Hoseok possibly hurting Jimin bothered him so much? He just met the boy today. Why did he seem so special to Yoongi? The young vampire didn't understand it one bit. All he knew was that he wanted to see Jimin again real soon. Perhaps even tomorrow even. That would be nice.

When Yoongi arrived at his bedroom, he opened the the door and stepped inside. What he didn't expected was Hoseok to be sitting on his bed with a wide smirk on his face. "What the hell are you doing in my bedroom? Get out." Yoongi glared at the other vampire when he noticed he wasn't moving. "Hoseok, I said get out."

"What took you so long? I expected you to be back earlier. What kept you, little Yoongi?" Hoseok kept the smirk on his face as he looked at Yoongi.

"It is none of your business. Now, for the third time, get the fuck out of my bedroom." Yoongi folded his arms across his chest, keeping his glaring eyes on Hoseok. When the other vampire finally got off his bed, Yoongi watched his every move as he stepped over to the door.

"Okay. I'll leave, but don't think I won't ask you again. I am curious to know what had kept you so long." Before leaving, Hoseok quickly leaned over and crashed his lips onto Yoongi's.

Yoongi's eyes widened largely and immediately pushed Hoseok away. "Get the fuck out! Now!"

Hoseok laughed. "I love it when you're so feisty." He winked at Yoongi before leaving the bedroom.

Yoongi growled and slammed the door shut. He really hated Hoseok. He wished the other vampire had never turned him. Lifting one hand, he wiped his lips and stepped over to the bed. He laid down after kicking off his shoes. Laying his head against the pillow, Yoongi stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly, Jimin popped back into his head and he found himself smiling a little. He was looking forward to seeing the beautiful boy again soon. Thinking it would be good to sleep, Yoongi closed his eyes and fell into a rather peaceful sleep.

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