Chapter XXV

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Jimin unlocked the door to his house with a little bit of a struggle but managed to get it open. He stepped inside first since Yoongi wanted to wait until the smell of his blood was gone. The boy walked up the stairs to his bathroom to get his hand cleaned up. He wanted Yoongi to help him, but knew the vampire would not want to be anywhere near him right now. Not with the stench of his blood being so strong. Once he was in the bathroom, Jimin began washing off the blood from his hand. Then, he applied some healing ointment before wrapping it up. Now that his hand was all patched up, Jimin looked at himself in the mirror. Since plan A did not work, plan B was in play now. The boy was nervous, but this was the only thing that could work. After staring at his reflection for a moment longer, Jimin exit the bathroom and returned to the living room.

When Yoongi had made sure that Jimin was upstairs in the bathroom, he closed the front door and locked it. Then, he stepped into the living room and sat down on the couch. His delicate hands were trembling a little, and he cursed underneath his breath. He hated how he almost had tasted Jimin's blood. To make matters worse, he had scared the human boy. He saw the fear in Jimin's brown eyes. That alone made the vampire feel so horrible. He couldn't believe he had practically attacked the boy he loved. Yoongi thought he was slowly becoming unstable then more he hungered for blood. And that frightened him. He didn't want his blood lust to take over, and accidentally attack a human. Or Jimin for that matter. When he heard the sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs, Yoongi lowered his gaze, not being able to look Jimin in the eyes right now. He didn't want to risk possibly seeing hatred or fear in the boy's eyes. When Jimin took a seat beside him, Yoongi snuck a peek at him. "Jimin...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to attack you. I didn't mean to."

Jimin leaned back against the couch and glanced at Yoongi. Hearing the vampire apologize about attacking him, the boy lightly shook his head. "You don't have to apologize, Yoongi hyung. It is alright." The boy didn't want Yoongi to feel bad about attacking him. He was just a little afraid of the look on the vampire's face. However, there was something about the look that had excited Jimin. It knew it was crazy, but it did and he honestly didn't know why.

"It is not alright! You were hurt, and all I could think about was drinking your blood! I should have been able to resist the temptation and help you. But, instead I attack you. I cannot be forgive for that." Yoongi didn't want to be forgiven for what he had done. He had attacked the boy he loved dearly, and couldn't forgive himself for it.

"Yoongi hyung, it is alright. Really, don't worry about it." Jimin was able to see that Yoongi felt horrible for what happened at the park. He knew that he was highly upset by it. "I forgive you. You don't have to beat yourself up over it."

Yoongi finally looked at Jimin with wide eyes. What? Jimin forgave him? How could that be? He had attacked him and almost drank his blood. How could he even think about forgiving him? "Jimin, I do not deserve your forgiveness. I did a horrible thing. What I deserve isn't forgiveness. I deserve punishment."

Something in Jimin triggered when he heard Yoongi's words. So, the vampire thought he deserved punishment? A tiny smirk appeared on Jimin's face. He could use his to his advantage. Yoongi had just made this so easy for him. Putting on an innocence expression, Jimin titled his head to the side and looked at Yoongi. "You want punishment? But, Yoongi hyung, it wasn't your fault."

Yoongi clenched his hands into fists at Jimin's words. This was his fault. If it wasn't for his stupid blood lust, he would not have attacked Jimin. This was something he considered unforgivable. "Jimin, this is my fault. I cannot forgive myself for what I have done. Please don't forgive me so easily for this, Jimin. Please."

Too easy. Jimin's lips twitched upward at Yoongi's words. Well then. If his lover wished to be punished, then he shall punish him. "Fine. I won't forgive you, Yoongi hyung. And if you want to be punished so badly, then I can punish you. I wouldn't mind." To show that he meant it, Jimin scooted closer to Yoongi on the couch.

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