Chapter XIX

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Yoongi groaned softly after several hours. He slowly turned to lay on his back as a yawn escaped his lips. Lifting up one hand, he gently rubbed one of his eyes. He felt someone snuggling against his side, and turned his head to see a sleeping Jimin. A gentle smile appeared on Yoongi's face as he looked at the sleeping boy. Images of their activities from earlier flashed in his mind, causing the smile to grow a little. Yoongi reached out to brush his cold fingers against Jimin's cheek, suddenly seeing the boy stir a little. Seeing the boy's eyes fluttering open, the vampire felt a little bad for waking the boy. "Sorry if I woke you."

Jimin yawned cutely before rubbing one of his eyes. He then looked up at Yoongi, and smiled so cutely. The boy moved closer to the vampire to snuggle more against his chest. "You didn't wake me, hyung." Now that he had a clear mind, Jimin was able to feel slight discomfort and pain. When he had shifted to move closer to Yoongi, he felt pain on his back and thighs. Not to mention his hips and butt, which caused whimpers of pain to left the boy's plump lips.

When Yoongi heard pained whimpers, he grew worried. "Are you alright, Jimin? Are you in pain?" The vampire was worried he had been a little rough with the human. Since vampires were much physically stronger than humans, there was a huge possibility Yoongi might have bruised Jimin. "Where are you feeling pain?" Yoongi couldn't hide his worry.

Jimin shifted a little to sit up. That seemed to make the pain in his back hurt less, but it sure as well made the pain he was feeling on his hips and butt worse. The boy noticed how worried Yoongi was and thought it was so cute. It made his heart flutter had knowing the vampire cared and worried about him. "I'm fine, Yoongi hyung. I think I'm just sore from earlier. Also," Jimin remembered about the large bruise on his back. He had completely forgotten about it earlier when he was having sex with Yoongi. The vampire did pushed him against the wall, and he was arching his back quite a bit as well. "Um, I think the bruise on my back got a little worse..." Jimin was really hoping Yoongi wouldn't feel bad about that.

Yoongi's eyes widened once he heard Jimin mention the bruise on his back. Shit. Yoongi had forgotten about it. The vampire lowered his head, pressing his face against one of his hands. How could he suddenly forget about the bruise Hoseok had left on the human boy? Was his mind that clouded over with want and desire? Just thinking about it caused Yoongi to shiver a little. Looking up at Jimin, a sad expression appeared on Yoongi's face. "I'm sorry, Jiminie. I completely forgot about the bruise. I didn't mean to make it hurt worse." Yoongi felt completely awful right now.

Jimin instantly saw how awful Yoongi felt, and quickly grabbed one of hus hands with both of his. "Don't feel bad, hyung. We both forgot about it. We were lost in the moment. It's not big deal." Jimin was trying to make Yoongi feel a little better about this. Although, he had a feeling it wasn't going to be easy. He could see how upset the vampire was over this.

Yoongi lowered his gaze sadly. He felt so bad right now. He hadn't meant to hurt Jimin. He was supposed to make sure the boy never got hurt. Not the other way around. "But, I should have remembered. I was so mad about it, so it shouldn't had just vanished from my mind like that. I'm sorry, Jiminie." Perhaps Yoongi was beating himself up a little too much over this. But, it was something he couldn't help. He loved Jimin. He would do anything to make sure he was safe.

Pouting cutely, Jimin was beginning to feel a little annoyed with Yoongi right now. He understood the vampire felt bad, but it wasn't something he should be beating himself up over. Wanting to cheer Yoongi up, Jimin shifted so he was straddling the vampire. All the while ignoring the pain and discomfort he was feeling. Once he was comfortable on Yoongi's lap, Jimin wrapped his arms around the vampire's neck. "Yoongi hyung, please don't worry about it. It's fine. It will heal over time. It isn't your fault. Please stop blaming yourself."

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