Chapter VIII

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After eating breakfast, Yoongi was dragged by Jimin in the direction of the mall. He was still very uneasy whenever the younger would grab hold of his hand, being afraid he might find out why he was so cold. So far, things were fine. The boy haven't questioned the vampire's low body temperature. And Yoongi wanted it to stay that way. He didn't want to explain to the himan what he was, afraid of scaring the human away. Once they had arrived at the mall, Yoongi looked around the interior of the large mall. It had been quite some time since the last time he had been to the mall.

Jimin was smiling the entire time he had dragged Yoongi to the mall. He was so excited to be spending time with the elder. He also wanted to find out why was the elder always so cold. Maybe he could find out why by the end of the day. At least, he was hoping so. Once they were inside of the mall, Jimin turned to face Yoongi. "So, is there a specific place you want to go?"

Yoongi looked around the mall a little more before turning his gaze to look down at Jimin. "It doesn't matter to me. It has been such a long time since I've last been to the mall. I don't remember what kind of stores that are here."

"What?! When was the last time you've been to the mall?" Jimin looked at Yoongi with wide, surprised eyes. He have never met anyone who hasn't been at the mall in such a long time.

Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck from underneath his hood. He just remembered he had yet to remove his hood from his head. He didn't want the sun to bother him while he was out with Jimin. "I just...haven't been able to come here. Is it really that weird?"

"Well, no but I'm surprised. Well, you're here now. So, we are going to have a lot of fun together." Jimin smiled so cutely at Yoongi.

Yoongi felt his cheeks heat up a little at Jimin's words and his smile. The boy's smile was already beginning to have such a large effect on him. "Alright. Well, lead the way."

Jimin smiled happily, nodding his head. "Let's go!" The boy happily tugged the elder with him towards one of the many stores in the large mall.


Yoongi had lost track of time as he spent majority of the day with Jimin at the mall. The boy was rather energetic and happy, which was something Yoongi really liked. Sure, he didn't talk much the whole time, but he had no trouble with listening to Jimin talk. He also had noticed how adorable the boy's laugh was. It made Yoongi wanted to make the boy laugh as much as possible. By the time they left the mall, it was already rather late. It made Yoongi sad since he would have to head back home soon. The vampire heard his name being called, and looked down at Jimin. "Yes Jimin?"

Jimin had so much fun with Yoongi at the mall. Sure, it was mostly just him dragging the elder around, but it was fun nonetheless. While together, Jimin had noticed a couple things about Yoongi. He didn't eat lunch nor did he have anything to drink. He also noticed that the elder kept his hood up over his head, and would wince whenever the sun had shone onto his face whenever they walked passed one of the windows. That confused the boy greatly and had him wondering many things about Yoongi. Aside from that, he had a lot of fun. As they stepped outside, Jimin noticed that it was getting late. He didn't want to part from Yoongi just yet. "Um, Yoongi hyung." The elder looked at him, the boy bit his lower lip shyly. "Can we take a walk through the park? Before we both head home. Please."

Yoongi blinked when he heard Jimin's question. Taking a walk through the park with the orange haired boy sound like a nice idea. Besides, Yoongi wanted to spend a little bit more time with Jimin before heading back home. "Sure. Let's go."

"Okay!" Jimin smiled happily, and gently pulled Yoongi towards the direction of the park. He had gotten used to the coldness of the elder's hand due to holding it all day. Jimin discovered he really liked the feeling of his small hand being held by Yoongi's slightly bigger one. When the two arrived at the park, Jimin slowed their pace so they could take their time walking.

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