Chapter XXIX

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"Hey Jin hyung, would it be alright if Jimin stayed over tonight?" Yoongi was sitting at the kitchen table while Jin was cooking them some breakfast. He thought it would be better for the boy to come to the mansion every once in a while instead of Yoongi heading to his house all the time. Also, it could decrease the chances of getting caught if they alternate.

"Of course. I don't see any problem with that. This will be his first time coming to the mansion. Make sure you give him a tour. We wouldn't want him getting lost." Jin giggled lightly at the thought of Jimin possibly getting lost in their home.

"Don't worry, hyung. I'll be sure to show him around. I wouldn't want him to get lost either." Yoongi would find it rather funny if Jimin got lost here. Now if Hoseok was home, Yoongi would definitely not leave Jimin's side. He wouldn't want the other vampire to attack his lover again.

"Okay. Now, eat your breakfast. Once you are done, you can go get Jimin while I clean up. I don't want anything to be dirty or anything." Jin placed two plates on the table, one in front of Yoongi and the other beside him. Then, he grabbed two glasses of apple juice and sat beside Yoongi. Smiling at the younger vampire, Jin began eating his food along with Yoongi.


"It was nice of Jin hyung to let me stay the night. I've never stayed in a mansion over night before." Jimin held Yoongi's hand, their fingers interlaced together as the two of them walked towards the cemetery entrance. In his other hand, the boy was holding a bag filled with some clothes and his necessities.

"Of course he wouldn't mind. Jin hyung likes you. You can say he has accepted you into our family." Yoongi had his hood covering his head like always, hiding from the sun. When they reached the cemetery entrance, Yoongi helped boost Jimin up over the gates before jumping over it. Once he landed on his feet, he grabbed his lover's hand once again. "When we get you situated in one of the guest rooms, I am going to show you around the mansion."

That was the one thing Jimin wasn't all the happy about. He was going to be sleeping in a different bedroom than Yoongi. He had wanted to sleep in the vampire's bedroom. Oh well. At least he was going to be spending the whole day with his vampire lover. "I am looking forward to it. Since you told me that it was a big mansion, I don't want to get lost. That wouldn't be good."

"Don't worry. Even if you did get lost, I will be able to find you through your scent." As if to prove his point, Yoongi leaned over to playfully sniff Jimin's neck. He smirked a little when he heard Jimin giggle cutely. "I already know your scent perfectly. So, I will always find you where ever you are."

Jimin looked at Yoongi, a faint blush on his cheeks. Just knowing that Yoongi would always be there for him made him so happy. It also made him feel safe. The boy leaned his head on the vampire's shoulder. "I love you, Yoongi hyung."

"I love you too, Jiminie." Yoongi placed a kiss on Jimin's head. He knew if his heart could beat, he knew it would be pounding right now. He truly loved Jimin so very much. Never had he though he would ever fall in love with a human, but he did. And he was so happy for it.

When the couple arrived at the mansion, Yoongi opened the door and stepped side while gently tugging Jimin behind him. "Jin hyung! We're back!" The mint haired vampire smiled when the delicate vampire stepped out from the kitchen while drying his hands with a white cloth.

"Hello there, you two. Just in time, I was just about to make some lunch." Jin looked at Yoongi with a gentle smile. "Hey Yoongi, how about you take Jimin to one of the guest rooms so he can settle in? Then, you can show him around the mansion so he can become familiar with everything. I will call you two once lunch is ready."

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