Chapter XXX

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Yoongi sat on the couch in the living room after he and Jimin had lunch with Jin. The mint haired vampire had been quiet the entire time while eating, not saying a word. He knew Jin had noticed, but didn't say a thing. Perhaps the elder didn't want to put the attention on him, which Yoongi was grateful for. He didn't want to talk about what had happened in the music room. Feeling someone sit beside him, Yoongi glanced over to see it was Jimin. Not really having anything to say, Yoongi turned his gaze away from the boy.

Jimin rest his hands against his lap as he looked at Yoongi. A tiny frown formed in his lips when Yoongi said nothing to him when he had sat down. Was the elder angry with him? He hadn't done anything that could have made the vampire angry with him. Perhaps it was because he had played that sad song back in the music room. Remembering the tear that had escaped one of Yoongi's eyes worried the boy. He wondered if he had remembered something he didn't want too. He really wanted to know, but thought it wouldn't be a good idea to ask the vampire that. Jimin definitely didn't want to upset Yoongi by asking, so he kept the question to himself. Instead, the orange haired boy went with another question. "Hey Yoongi hyung. Can you show me where the garden is? I want to see the flowers. Jin hyung plants them right?"

Yoongi glanced towards Jimin when his boyfriend had spoken. Hearing the question, the vampire simply nodded his head. "Yes. He is the one who planted majority of the flowers. I helped with some of them, but it was mostly him." The vampire stood up from the couch and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "And if you want to see the garden, then let's go. We can stay out there until it's time for dinner."

Jimin was pleased when Yoongi agreed to show him the garden. The boy stood up and happily grabbed onto his boyfriend's arm. "Yay! Let's go! I really want to see all the pretty flowers!"

Yoongi cracked a small smile, thinking Jimin was so cute. Not saying another word, he led the boy out of the living room towards the back door that led out to the garden in the back. Walking down the stairs, Yoongi felt a gentle breeze hit his face and blow off his black hood from his head. When the breeze had hit Jimin, Yoongi caught the boy's sweet scent. His fangs instantly throbbed within his gums.

Jimin lifted one hand to push back his bangs away from his forehead when the gentle breeze brushed against his face. When his eyes caught sight of the many flower beds, a bright smile appeared on his face. "Wow! All of the flowers look so pretty!" The boy immediately rushed over to one of the flower beds, letting go of Yoongi's arms. Kneeling down, the orange haired boy reached out to gently brush his fingers against one of the beautiful red roses while being mindful of their thorns. "It's amazing how Jin hyung planted all of this."

Yoongi stepped over to the flower bed with Jimin and knelt down beside him. He looked at the roses, a faint smile appearing on his face. "Jin hyung loves flowers. He finds them so beautiful and elegant. The during the first week when we moved into the mansion, he had already planted one entire flower bed. It keeps him occupied and happy. It makes him even more happy whenever Namjoon would bring him different kinds of flowers to add to his collection."

Jimin smiled fondly at Yoongi's words. "That's sweet. I'm sure Jin hyung loves all the flowers that Namjoon hyung brings him. Especially if it's to add to his lovely collection." Jimin's eyes scanned over the many flower beds at the different flowers until his eyes focused on a flower bed of black roses. "Wow. Are those black roses? I heard they are very rare to find." Standing up straight, Jimin stepped over to the black roses and knelt down in front of the flower bed.

Yoongi followed suit behind Jimin towards the flower bed of black roses. Personally, these were his favorite ones. Despite the flowers gloomy meaning. "They are very rare, but Namjoon managed to find some whenever he was away on business with Hoseok. He knows how rare they are, so he always bring some back home." Yoongi poked one of the black petals gingerly. "These are my favorite flowers."

Jimin was amazed by the dark beauty of the black roses. He had never seen them before, but has heard much about them. When he heard Yoongi say they were his favorite, the boy looked at him. "They are? How come? Don't black roses mean death?"

Yoongi smiled bitterly at Jimin's words. That's the precise reason why he liked them so much. Because they meant death, and death was something he had wanted very much when he was once human. "They do mean death. I like them even despite of that. When I was still human, I always had a vase of black roses in my bedroom. There is something hauntingly beautiful about them, and I like that a lot."

Jimin felt his chest tightened a little. Why did Yoongi keep black roses in bedroom when he was human if he knew that they meant death? From what his parents told him, it was bad luck to keep black roses in one's bedroom. Did Yoongi know about that when he was human? Now that he thought about it, Jimin didn't know much about when Yoongi was human. All he knew that Hoseok had found him when he was near death and turned him. But, other than that, Jimin didn't know anything else. He wanted to ask Yoongi about his life as a human. Would the vampire tell him? Or would he become angry with Jimin for asking. Maybe Jimin could ask Yoongi before heading to bed. "I see."

Yoongi kept his eyes on the black roses for a moment longer before turning his gaze towards the sky. The sky had suddenly gotten quite dark. It looks like it was going to down pour at any moment. "Let's go back inside. It is get pretty dark. I think it's going to rain."

"Really? That's weird. The weather was said to be sunny and breezy all day. I guess there was a slight miscalculation." Jimin stood up and dusted off the dirt on the knees of his pants then looked at Yoongi. "Let's go." The boy reached out and grabbed one of Yoongi's hand. Then, he smiled gently and playfully dragged Yoongi back inside the mansion.


Much like Yoongi had predicted, it began to rain rather harshly. The rain patted roughly against the mansion's windows while flashes of thunder brightened up the darkened sky. Yoongi, Jimin and Jin had already eaten dinner and were all sitting in he living room with the lights off. The only source of light was the television. While watching the random show, Jin kept glancing out the window at the heavy rain. He was worried about Namjoon and Hoseok. He wondered when his lover and friend would return home.

The delicate vampire was also worried about Jaejoong appearing again. He didn't want the elder vampire to find Jimin here. He would have to make sure to somehow get rid of the boy's scent from within the mansion once Yoongi would take the boy home tomorrow. Looking back at the television, Jin tried to relax, but that was difficult. He kept glancing towards the window. He couldn't help but wonder if there was someone wandering outside. He knew that was impossible. Who in their right mind would be out in this weather? Knowing that he should not over think things, Jin preoccupied himself with paying attention to the show on the television. However, that lingering feeling that someone was watching them from the outside kept coming back.

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