Chapter IV

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The next morning, Yoongi woke up to the loud sound of voices coming from the hallway. He recognized then as Hoseok and Namjoon, causing a deep groan to escape his lips. "Why are those two so fucking loud this morning..?" Turning his head, Yoongi looked at the clock that was sitting on his nightstand. It reads 7:34 AM. Seeing that caused the vampire to scuff in annoyance. Just perfect. Not only were the other two vampires so loud, they woke up Yoongi up too early. Now, it was going to be difficult for him to fall back asleep. He had wanted to sleep in tonight, but sadly, that wasn't going to happen. The vampire stared up at the ceiling for a couple moments before turning his gaze towards the door when he heard a soft knock. "What is it?"

"Sorry for waking you. May I come in?" Jin's soft voice asked.

Yoongi smiled a little once he heard Jin's voice. He was the only one of the three that he got along with the most. "Yeah. You can in, Jin hyung." A second later, the door open to reveal the pink haired male. "Did you need something, Jin hyung? How come those two are being loud so early in the morning?"

"Oh, don't mind them. They are arguing over something small and petty. I wanted to give you something." Jin reached into his jacket pocket to pull out a small vial filled with blood. "Here. I want you to drink this."

Yoongi kept his eyes on Jin as the elder reached into his pocket. He wondered what he wanted. Once the vampire saw the small vial filled with blood, Yoongi felt his stomach churn unpleasantly. "I am not going to drink that. You know I won't want to drink human blood, Jin hyung."

Jin smiled warmly, having a feeling Yoongi was going to deny the blood in the vial. "I know. Don't worry, Yoongi. This isn't human blood."

Yoongi perked a eyebrow at Jin's words. It wasn't human blood? Well, that was a little comforting. "If it isn't human blood, then what kind of blood it is..?" It relieved Yoongi that it wasn't human blood, but he was still rather worried about what kind of blood it was.

"It's my blood. I know you don't want to feed from the humans Namjoon and Hoseok bring home. I also don't want you to be weak for not feeding." Jin held out the vial to Yoongi, hoping the younger would take it.

Yoongi's eyes widened once he heard Jin's words. It was his blood? But, why would Jin go through the trouble of giving him his blood. Lightly biting his lower lip, Yoongi looked at the vial by knowing if it was alright. "I don't know Jin hyung."

Jin sighed heavily, knowing this was going to take some time. He really wanted Yoongi to drink his blood. "Please Yoongi. I know you don't wish to drink any type of blood, but I don't want you to be weak or anything worse. Please Yoongi." Jin looked at the younger vampire with a pleading look.

Yoongi bit his lower lip, feeling a little uneasy about all of this. He knew that he was required to drink blood to keep himself from becoming weak, but the mere thought of drinking someone's blood made Yoongi feel sick. The vampire looked up at Jin, seeing the elder vampire giving him a pleading look. Just seeing that made Yoongi feel kind of guilty, knowing that Jin was doing this for his well being. After considering it for quite a bit, Yoongi sighed heavily. "Fine. But, your blood will be the only thing I drink. I am NOT going to feed from any human. Alright."

Jin smiled warmly, happy that Yoongi agreed to drink the blood. "Alright. That is fine with me. You can only drink my blood. I promise." The elder watched Yoongi take the vial filled with blood. Seeing the young vampire eyeing the vial, Jin began thinking he might not drink the blood after all. However, he was relieved once he saw Yoongi drink the blood.

Yoongi was still very hesitant to drink the blood. The metallic taste ran down his throat, causing a shiver to rush through his body. The taste was horrible at first, but that only lasted a moment. Soon, Yoongi discovered that he really enjoyed the taste of the blood. The young vampire looked towards Jin. "It...taste really good. I like it."

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