Chapter XXVI

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The next morning, Yoongi was the first one to wake up. He slowly sat up while rubbing one of his eyes. The vampire yawned softly then turned his head to look beside him, a gentle smile appearing on his face when he saw Jimin sleeping. He thought the boy looked so adorable as he slept. Yoongi slowly reached out one of his hands to gently brush his fingers along Jimin's cheek. The vampire suddenly stilled once he brushed his fingers down towards the sleeping boy's neck. His eyes focused on the puncture wounds that he had made last night when the two of them were having sex. The sudden realization hit Yoongi like a pound of bricks. He couldn't believe he had bitten Jimin and fed from him. Just that thought alone made Yoongi feel horrible. Moving a little, the vampire got off the bed and ran his slender fingers through his mint coloured locks. Then, he stood up and made his way over to the bathroom, feeling a tiny bit sore from his and Jimin's activities.

Once Yoongi was in the bathroom, he switched on the light and gazed into the mirror. Upon seeing his reflection, Yoongi noticed slight changes in his appearance now that he has finally experienced the taste of human blood. For example, his body somehow became a little more toned and he feels a little stronger. Also his eyes had lightened a tad bit, almost seeming hazel now. Yoongi hadn't known there would be small changes when a vampire has finally accepted their lust for human blood. The vampire became a little startled once he picked up the sound of slight movement coming from the bedroom. It seems like Jimin had awoken. A slight smile appeared on Yoongi's face when he heard the sound of the boy calling his name rather groggily. "I'm in the bathroom, Jiminie." A few minutes later, Yoongi was joined by the orange haired boy.

Jimin stretched out his arms while yawning cutely when he had gotten up from the bed. Hearing that Yoongi was in the bathroom, the boy lazily stepped over to the open bathroom door. "Hi hyung. How are you feeling?" Jimin was hoping his lover wasn't feeling any sort of discomfort from their activities.

"I'm feeling good. Great even. Just a little bit sore." Yoongi stepped away from the sink and walked over to stand in front of Jimin. He chuckled lightly when the boy had wrapped his arms around him, the vampire locking his own arms around the human.

"That's good. I'm glad. I wouldn't want you to be in any sort of pain." Jimin leaned in to place a gentle peck against Yoongi's lips. He began to wonder if Yoongi noticed the puncture wounds on his neck. In a way, the human was hoping he didn't. He knew Yoongi would feel horrible because of it.

Yoongi returned the peck before laying his head against Jimin's neck. Turning his head to the side, the vampire faced away from the boy's neck. He didn't want to be reminded right now about the fact he had bitten the boy he loved. However, that didn't stop the delicate vampire from apologizing. "Jimin. I'm sorry."

Jimin held Yoongi close when his lover had laid his head against his shoulder. He soon became confused when he heard the apology. It only took him a moment before realizing why the vampire had apologized. "There is no need for you to apologize, Yoongi hyung. I wanted you to feed from me. It was also necessary for you to drink human blood."

"But I didn't want to. I didn't want to drink human blood. Even less yours." Yoongi pulled back a little and lowered his gaze. "I didn't want to feed from you because I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want to drink your blood."

"But why? Hyung, you are a vampire. You need to drink human blood in order to survive. Without that, you could be at risk of becoming weak, or even worse." Jimin didn't understand why Yoongi was so upset over then fact he had drank his blood. He thought his blood was better than having Yoongi bite some random human and drink theirs.

Yoongi sighed heavily, keeping his gaze down as he and Jimin spoke to each other. He couldn't bring himself to look up at the himan boy. Especially not after feeding from him.  Yoongi knew that it was something natural for him, but he still felt horrible. Perhaps it was because he loved Jimin so much and would never want to see him hurt. Even less be the one to cause him pain. "I understand that, but just the thought of me feeding from you bothers me. I just don't like the idea of being the one who caused you any pain or discomfort."

Jimin's eyes softened at Yoongi's words. He thought the elder was so sweet. It made his heart flutter knowing that the vampire cared so much about him. Reaching out, Jimin gently cupped Yoongi's face in his small hands and lifted his head so he could look at him. "I know, but you don't have to worry about that, hyung. I love you. I want to make sure you are well. I know blood is an important food sorce for you, and I am not going to take that away. If you were need to feed, I want you to feed from me."

Yoongi was nervous about looking at Jimin when the younger had cupped his cheeks. Looking at his beautiful face, the vampire felt his cheeks heat up a little. "Jimin, I can't do that. I understand you wish to help me, but I can't feed from you." Despite Jimin wanting to help him, Yoongi was going to be stubborn with this.

Jimin frowned at Yoongi's words. "Stop being so stubborn. Just accept my help, would you? I want to make sure you are alright and well. If drinking my blood makes sure of that, then you are going to do it. I don't care what you say, hyung. You are going to feed from me whether you like it or not." Knowing how stubborn Yoongi was, Jimin knew that he would have to show some dominance towards the vampire. It was the only way he thought the elder would listen.

Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek once he heard the dominant tone Jimin was using with him. He normally was the dominant one, but there was something about Jimin giving off this dominant aura that Yoongi liked. It certainly made him melt, because the vampire found himself sighing heavily. "Fine. But do NOT expect me to feed from you all the time."

When Yoongi had gave in, Jimin was definitely very pleased. A happy smile appeared on his face, and he hugged the vampire tightly. "Thank you, hyung! It's fine if you don't feed from me all the time. As long as you feed, I am fine with it."

What was Yoongi getting himself into? He hoped this wouldn't turn out bad. He didn't want anything bad to happen because of this. Although, he couldn't help this little gut feeling that something bad might come from this. However, Yoongi would try keeping himself calm and worried free with this. Easy said than done. "Anyway, let's go out for a little bit. I want to spend some time with you before heading home."

"Alright! Let's get ready then, Yoongi hyung!" Jimin kissed his lover sweetly on the lips before dragging the vampire out of the bathroom. He was definitely looking forward to spending time with Yoongi. He loved being around the vampire.

There was something bothering Yoongi, but didn't know just quite what it was. He was hoping it was nothing, but something was telling him that wasn't the case. Whatever it was, Yoongi was hoping it would leave him alone while he spent time with Jimin. He didn't want anything distracting him from his human lover.


Jin looked out the window of the mansion's living room where he was currently reading a book. A sudden chilling feeling spread throughout his body, and that worried the vampire quite a bit. Standing from the couch, the delicate vampire stepped over to the window and looked out. He couldn't spot this uneasy feeling he was experiencing right now. "Joonie...please hurry back. I have a very bad feeling something is going to happen..." Jin muttered softly to himself. He wondered if Yoongi was alright since the younger has not returned yet from Jimin's house. Jin only hoped nothing bad would happen to the mint haired vampire. Wanting to distract his mind from this nerve-wracking feeling, Jin returned to the couch and resumed reading his book. The vampire kept glancing towards the window every now and then.

After several minutes, Jin couldn't take this feeling any longer. He slammed the book shut and stood up from the couch. He had to find Yoongi. Something wasn't right. Quickly grabbing his jacket, Jin rushed out of the mansion and followed the path leading towards the cemetery. Please let this feeling just be my imagination. Please let Yoongi be alright. After Jin had arrived to the cemetery gates, he found himself taking off in a dash towards the direction of Jimin's house.

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