Chapter XXXV

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((Smut Warning ahead~))

The week passed a little too quickly for Yoongi's liking. And much to his dismay, he had not decided on what to do. He had one more day to think it over, but even so, Yoongi knew he wouldn't be able to make a decision. He just couldn't. Jin and the others have tried helping him, but unfortunately, it only made things more difficult for the mint haired vampire.

Yoongi was walking over to Jimin's house. For the last few days, he had spent every day with his human boyfriend. He wanted to be with him as much as possible. Without realizing it, Yoongi's vision began to blur. This was another thing the vampire kept dealing with. He kept finding himself crying a lot the last several days. With all that he was feeling right now, one could say that he was a emotional wreck.

When the vampire arrived at Jimin's house, he raised a shaky hand and knocked on the door. When the door opened, Yoongi saw the look of surprise on Jimin's face. It was probably because of the tears that were running down Yoongi's cheeks. Before the human boy could muster a word, the mint haired vampire threw his arms around him and clung to him tightly.

Jimin's eyes widened quite largely when he had saw the tears running down Yoongi's cheeks. Why was his boyfriend crying? Did something bad happened? Before he could say anything, Jimin was taken by surprise when Yoongi suddenly clung onto him. Instantly, his eyes softened. "Yoongi hyung." Wrapping his arms around the slender vampire, the boy hugged him tightly.

Yoongi buried his face into the crook of Jimin's neck as he clung to him tightly. He didn't want to let him go. He wished all of this was just some horrible dream he could wake up from. Unfortunately, this wasn't a dream. It was very much real. Yoongi tightened his arms around Jimin, his delicate body began trembling.

Feeling his vampire lover beginning to tremble, Jimin began gently swaying them side to side, trying to soothe his upset lover. Turning his head, Jimin placed a sweet kiss on Yoongi's head head. "Hyung, let's go inside." When Yoongi nodded a little, Jimin gently tugged him inside of his house and closed the door.

Yoongi lowered his gaze as he stepped inside of the house with Jimin. He held the boy's hand tightly with one hand while the other wiped away the tears that were still streaming down his cheeks. When Jimin had made to step into the living room, Yoongi lightly tugged on his hand. "Can we go up to your bedroom, please?"

Jimin turned to look at Yoongi when he heard his words and smiled softly. "Sure." Giving his boyfriend's forehead a small kiss, Jimin then lightly tugged him towards the stairs leading to the second floor. When the two of them entered his bedroom, Jimin closed the door and didn't bothered to lock it. The boy felt Yoongi's hand tugging him towards his bed and the boy followed, sitting himself on the edge of his bed.

With his head still lowered, Yoongi sat on Jimin's bed. There was so many things going on in his head at the moment. And to be honest, it was making him feel worse. He wanted to be distracted. He needed it. The vampire couldn't deal with this anymore, wanting to forget everything. Even if it was only for a little while. Shifting a little in his spot on the bed, Yoongi lifted his gaze a little bit. "Jimin...I can't take this anymore. Everything that has happened is too much. I want to forget about all of it."

Jimin made a sad expression at Yoongi's words. He knew his boyfriend was feeling really stressed out over all of this. "I know Yoongi hyung. But, we will get through this. I promise we will think of something." Wanting to hold his boyfriend, Jimin wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close to his chest.

"But, Jimin. I have to make a decision of either leaving you or changing your life for the worse. There is no way I can do either of those." Yoongi allowed himself to be held in Jimin's arms, resting his head against the boy's chest. The vampire listened to the sound of Jimin's heart beat. The sound of the blood being pumped through his veins was beginning to make Yoongi hungry. He had been so stressed out, he haven't fed in quite while. Lifting his head, Yoongi began lightly nuzzling against Jimin's neck for a moment before lightly scraping his fangs against the soft skin.

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