Chapter XXXVII

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Morning soon came, the bright light shining into Yoongi's bedroom. The mint haired vampire groaned softly, not wanting to wake up. He wished this day didn't have to come. However, much to his dismay, he couldn't do anything about it. Not wanting to get up, Yoongi pulled the blanket over his head and squeezed his eyes shut. Before Yoongi could fall back asleep, he heard a knock on the door. Groaning softly, the vampire pulled the blanket away from his head. "Who is it?"

"It's me. May I come in?" Came Jin's soft voice.

"Yeah. You can come in, Jin hyung." Yoongi laid his head back against the pillow when the door opened and the pink haired vampire stepped inside. The bed dipped a little where the elder vampire taken a seat.

"How did you sleep, Yoongi?" Jin smiled faintly when he heard the soft groan Yoongi made. That groan told him most likely didn't sleep well. "Have you've come to a decision? You know today is the day you need to make a choose."

"I know. Please don't remind me, Jin hyung." Even though Yoongi had already came to a decision, there was a part of him that was worried. He was worried he was going to anger the council with his decision. However, it was worth a try. "I've made a decision, but it is my own decision." Yoongi looked at Jin, a determined look in his eyes. "I want to talk to the council about letting Jimin and I be together as we are. A human and vampire couple. I want to prove to them our kinds can coexist together in peace."

This was certainly a surprise to Jin. He had not expected this. Yes, he knew the younger vampire did not wish to choose between the two choices he was given. But, picking your own choice? It was certainly a brave decision, Jin would admit. His only problem was the decision being accepted by the council. "You're taking a big risk with this, Yoongi."

"I was already taking a big risk with just being Jimin. I know it sounds risky, but I've made up my mind, Jin hyung. I want to be with Jimin without having to change him." Yoongi lowered his gaze and sighed heavily. His delicate hands gripped onto the bedsheets tightly. "I can't ruin his life with turning him into a vampire. There is no way I can do it."

Jin pressed his lips into a thin line, his gaze lowering. "Very well, Yoongi. If you understand the risk of your decision, then I will support you. No matter what happens, I will be there. So will Namjoon. And I know Hoseok will too, believe it or not."

Yoongi wasn't so certain about Hoseok supporting his decision, but was very happy with Jin and Namjoon supporting his decision. "Thank you, Jin hyung. It means a lot to me knowing you and Namjoon will be there supporting me through this."

"We always will, Yoongi. No matter what." Jin leaned over and wrapped his arms around Yoongi, pulling him close. The pink haired vampire hugged the younger vampire tightly, almost as if he didn't want to let him go.

Yoongi returned the hug, laying his head against Jin's shoulder. Closing his eyes, the mint haired vampire sighed heavily to settle his nerves. After another moment longer, Yoongi pulled away from the hug to look at Jin. "When are we supposed to meet with Himchan hyung? Since he allowed for me to make the decision, I assume I have to see him."

"I believe we will have to return to the mansion in order to speak with Himchan hyung." Jin stood from the bed just as the bedroom door opened again and Namjoon stepped inside the bedroom. "Oh, Joonie. We were just about to head downstairs." Jin blinked when he caught sight of the uneasiness look on his handsome face. "Is there something wrong?"

Namjoon looked from Yoongi to Jin, his uneasiness seeming to grow. "You two are needed in the living room. Himchan hyung is here."

Yoongi had caught sight of Namjoon's uneasiness and wondered if everything was alright. Hearing that Himchan was in the living room, the vampire soon became uneasy and nervous. Why was Himchan here? Weren't they supposed to go to the mansion where he and the other elder vampires lived? So, why would the elder come here? "Did he told you why he was here?"

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