Chapter XXIV

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Jimin looked down at his phone, checking the time. It was almost ten in the morning. He was waiting for Yoongi to arrive. He remembered his conversation with Jin earlier than morning. How can I convince Yoongi hyung to drink human blood? I can't force him, that's for sure. I just hope one of the plans I have will work. They just have too. Jimin didn't want Yoongi to die. So he was going to do everything in his power to make this plans work. At least one of them. The boy was suddenly startled when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist from behind. "Eek!"

"Haha. Sorry about that, Jiminie. I didn't mean to startle you." Came Yoongi's voice from behind the orange haired boy. The vampire gently rest his chin onto Jimin's shoulder while cradling him gently in his arms.

Jimin giggled cutely, leaning back against Yoongi's chest while enjoying the feeling of being held in the vampire's arms. "It's alright, Yoongi hyung. I was just worried it was someone else." By now, he was used to the coldness he always felt whenever he was pressed against the vampire. He actually really liked the coldness against his warm body.

Yoongi sighed softly in content as he cradled Jimin in his arms. He loved this. It was like Jimin was made to fit into his arms. After holding the boy a little more in his arms, Yoongi loosened his hold and moved around until he was standing in front of the boy. "So, what are we going to do today?"

Jimin looked up at Yoongi once the vampire was in front of him. He bit the inside of his cheek for a moment before smiling cutely. "Let's take a walk! It's a lovely day for a walk in the park together. Afterwards, we can get some lunch."

"Sure. That would be nice. I wouldn't mind taking a walk with you." Yoongi smiled gently, reaching his hand out to gently take hold of Jimin's smaller hand. He interlaced their fingers together, giving the small hand a gentle squeeze.

Jimin smiled happily, holding Yoongi's hand tightly. He felt his heart flutter in his chest a little from the sheer happiness he was experiencing right now. "Yay! Let's go." The boy lightly tugged the vampire down the path leading to the park. Plan A will be set into motion once they reach the park. Jimin hoped it would work. The boy glanced towards the left right as he walked beside Yoongi, his eyes spotting Jin hiding within the shadows. The elder did informed him that he was going to be keeping an eye on the two of them. Jimin really hoped he wouldn't let Jin down. There was a part of him that wanted to make the elder proud. Perhaps it was because he would be saving Yoongi's life.

Yoongi stuffed his free hand into his jacket pocket as he walked beside Jimin. The vampire didn't seem to notice that Jin was practically following them. He was far to busy with Jimin right now. Right now, nothing was more important than the boy beside him. Not being able to help it, Yoongi leaned over to place a gentle kiss atop of Jimin's head.

Jimin was slightly distracted with thinking how he was going to carry out his first plan to get Yoongi to drink human blood. He was broken from his thoughts when he felt the gentle kiss on his head. A gentle blush dusted over his cheeks, and peeked up at the elder shyly.

Yoongi lightly bit the inside of his cheek when Jimin had peeked up at him from underneath those eyelashes. God, how could someone be so beautiful? Yoongi really was heads over heels for this boy. It was clear to see. He was in love with this boy, not even thinking or considering the consequences of it. He knew loving a human was wrong, but he didn't care. He wasn't going to let anything come between him and Jimin.

When the couple arrived at the park, Jimin let out a soft sigh. Okay. Time to put plan A into action. Hopefully it would work. It just have too. Jimin wished himself luck before breaking out into a bright smile. He twirled to stand in front of Yoongi, looking at him with a happy gaze. "Hey hyung, why don't we head to our special spot? I want to be alone with you." If Jimin was going to carry out his plan, he could not allow anyone to see. He didn't want anyone knowing that Yoongi was a vampire. That would be very bad.

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