Chapter IX

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Yoongi was still smiling as he walked down the path leading towards the mansion. He still didn't know that he had been seen with Jimin. That is until he stepped through the front door of the mansion. The young vampire was met with the stares of the three vampires that seemed to have been waiting for him. This confused him greatly. "Is there something wrong?"

Jin lowered his gaze once he saw Yoongi enter the house. He felt horrible right now. Hoseok had came home to inform him and Namjoon that Yoongi was seen hanging out with a human boy. And Jin already knew it was Jimin. The elder sighed sadly when he heard Yoongi's question. "Yoongi...the four of us need to talk." Jin was trying his best not to make his words sound sad.

Yoongi's confusion increased when he heard Jin's words. "Very well. What do we need to talk about exactly? I am rather tired, so I wish to head to bed now." He removed his black jacket and hung it on the coat rack that was beside the front door.

"What we need to speak of is important." Namjoon was the one to speak next. "Where were you all day, Yoongi? And be truthful with me."

"I was out. I didn't know I needed to inform the three of you where I go. I wanted to go out for today. I can't be locked in this house every day." Yoongi stuffed his hands into his pockets as he spoke. He had noticed the wicked smirk on Hoseok's face when he had entered, and that worried him greatly.

"Are you sure it was simply because you didn't want to stay inside today? Where you meeting up with someone?" Namjoon asked, keeping his piercing eyes on Yoongi. He felt a little bad when he saw the younger vampire seem to tense up and shrink back due to his intimidating gaze.

"Why are you asking me these questions? I am entitled to do what I want. I do not need to seek any your permissions to do anything." Yoongi wasn't liking this one bit. It was making him very nervous. He snuck a glance over to Jin, praying the elder would help him out with this.

"You may not need permission from Namjoon and Jin, but you do need to seek permission from me. I am the one who turned you after all." This time, it was Hoseok who spoke next. He took a step forward in Yoongi's direction, the wicked smile never leaving his lips.

Yoongi was not liking this at all. It always made him so angry whenever Hoseok would bring up the fact he had turned him. He didn't need to be reminded of the manner every time. It was really working on the young vampire's nerves. So much, that he glared at Hoseok and bared his fangs. "I already know you are the one who turned me! You don't need to fucking repeat it to me every time! I already know you're the one who changed me into this freak of nature! I already know you took away my only chance of leaving this world for good! I already know that, Hoseok!" Yoongi was furious right now, his temper reaching it's breaking point.

Hoseok's eyes darkened, the brown slowly turning black. He didn't like the way Yoongi spoke to him while baring his fangs at him. Before Namjoon or Jin could stop him, Hoseok had already moved towards Yoongi. "Hoseok! Stop!" Hoseok didn't listened to Jin's words as his fingers wrapped around Yoongi's throat.

Yoongi was fuming right now. He was so tired of Hoseok basically labeling him as his property when he wasn't. A sharp gasp escaped his lips when he felt a strong pressure around his throat. A yelp escaped his lips after when his back was slammed against the wall so harshly that the wall itself cracked a little. Yoongi's hands immediately reached out to take hold of Hoseok's wrist and tried pushing him away but to no avail.

Hoseok was so angry right now. The thing he hated most was being talked back to. Especially by someone who he turned. Once he had slammed Yoongi against the wall, his grip around his throat tightened as he lifted up the smaller vampire up into the air. "You are crossing the line, Yoongi. I don't appreciate the way you speak to me. I deserve respect you little bitch!" Hoseok ignored the yells from Jin as his nails began digging into Yoongi's soft pale skin.

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