Chapter VI

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"Hello there. I'm Kim Seokjin. But, you can call me Jin. It's nice to meet you." Jin smiled warmly as he held out his hand to Jimin after Yoongi had stopped him from walking towards the mansion. By looking at the boy, the elder was able to see why Yoongi seemed to be so attracted to him. Jimin was a very beautiful. Certainly the most beautiful himan he has ever seen.

"Hello. I'm Park Jimin. It's nice to meet you too." Jimin smiled warmly at Jin, figuring the other was older than him. He turned his gaze to look at Yoongi for a moment before looking back at Jin. "It's nice to meet one of Yoongi's friends."

Jin nodded his head a little, the smile never leaving his lips. He glanced towards Yoongi from the corner of his eye, seeing the other vampire was intently staring at Jimin. Jin held in the urge to chuckle and looked back at Jimin. "So, what are you doing out here so late at night by yourself?" Jin had not seen the other boy that was with Jimin. So he figured the younger was by himself.

"Oh, I am actually with a few friends of mine. We are here to search for...something." Jimin had glanced toward Yoongi in time to see the male shaking his head. He figured he didn't want Jin knowing what he was actually searching for. He guessed he did the want to worry him or something.

Jin tilted his head to the side a little and blinked in confusion. "You are searching for something? What on earth could you be searching for in a cemetery late at night?" The elder was very confused by this.

"Well, it is something important, and my friend insisted that we help him search. So, here we are." Jimin smiled sheepishly and glanced towards Yoongi from the corner of his eye. He couldn't help it. The elder was just so beautiful.

"I see. Well, if you are searching for something, how about Yoongi and I help you look? It will be more effective if more people are searching." Jin suggested, looking towards Yoongi. "Right Yoongi?"

Yoongi was taken by surprise by Jin's words. He hadn't expected the elder vampire to offer Jimin their help. He thought it over for a moment before nodding his head. "Yeah. We can help." Yoongi looked at Jimin just in time to see a smile beaming on the boy's face. Oh, God. How can someone be so beautiful and adorable? Yoongi also thought this could be a great opportunity to talk to Jimin. He really wanted to get to know the young boy more.


It was twenty minutes passed midnight, and they haven't found anything. This led the group of human boys to feel discouraged and upset. It seemed like whatever they were looking for must had really been important. After stopping the search, Jin had informed the others he and Yoongi had to head back home. He also suggested Jimin and the others to do the same.

Yoongi watched Jin bid Jimin and his friends farewell before heading back first to the mansion. The vampire then turned his attention back to Jimin, only to be startled upon seeing how close the boy was to his face. "Whoa!" Yoongi took a step back, seeing Jimin blink ever so cutely at him.

"Hey Yoongi hyung, can I ask you something?" As they had been stretching earlier, Jimin had decided to get to know Yoongi more. He had found out the beautiful male was older than him. So, Jimin had immediately began calling him 'hyung'. He thought it was only right to show some respect to the beautiful male.

"Um, yeah. What is it, Jimin?" Yoongi straightened himself and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black jeans. He was curious to know what the younger wanted to ask him.

"Don't you ever go outside in the morning? You are so very pale." Jimin asked rather bluntly, earning a couple of quiet laughs from his nearby friends. He wasn't trying to joke around. He was honestly curious to know why Yoongi was so very pale.

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