Chapter XII

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The next morning, Yoongi woke up rather early. He yawned a little and rubbed one of his eyes. Suddenly, he tensed a little when he heard someone shift beside him. Turning his head, the vampire saw an adorable sleeping Jimin beside him. Oh, that's right. Yoongi had almost forgotten that he had spent the night at Jimin's house. A gentle smile appeared on his face as the memories of last night came to mind. Yoongi was so happy Jimin wasn't afraid of what he was. He accepted him, and that was something Yoongi was so grateful for. He glanced towards the clock on the night stand behind Jimin that read 6:04 AM. Since it was still so early, Yoongi decided to go back to sleep. Pulling the younger close to his chest, the vampire nuzzled against Jimin's head and fell back to sleep.


"Where is hell is he?!" Came Hoseok's loud yell once he had noticed that Yoongi wasn't in his bedroom. He stormed down the stairs, and entered the kitchen. He stomped over to Jin and yanked the elder back to glare at him. "Where is Yoongi?!"

Jin was taken by surprise when he was yanked backwards. Seeing an angry Hoseok asking about Yoongi, the elder sighed heavily. "Shouldn't he be in his room? If he isn't, then I don't know where he is. Remember, I was with you and Namjoon last night during the hunting."

Hoseok's face was red with anger. He wasn't liking this one bit. He didn't t like not knowing where Yoongi was. So hearing Jin say he didn't know where he was angered him more. "What do you mean?! The little basterd tells you everything! He must had told you where he was going last night before we left!"

Jin indeed knew where Yoongi was. At least, he had an idea on where he was. He knew that the younger was probably with Jimin right now. But, there was no way he was going to tell Hoseok that. He didn't want the brunet to hunt Yoongi down, only to see him with the human boy. "I don't know where Yoongi is. He didn't tell me anything last night."

Hoseok was so irritated right now. He wanted to know where Yoongi was. And he wanted to know right now. Feeling angry and frustrated, Hoseok pushed Jin away from him and stormed out of the kitchen. He made his way over to Namjoon's study. "Namjoon!"

The silver haired vampire lifted his gaze from the book in his hands, and stared at Hoseok in annoyance. "What is it, Hoseok?" Even his tone was dripping with annoyance and irritation.

"Where is Yoongi? He isn't in his bedroom, and your little sweetheart doesn't know where he is." Hoseok stepped over to the desk where the other sat and slammed his hands against it. Small cracks began spreading through the hardwood from Hoseok's strength.

"How am I supposed to know where he is? I was with you and Jin the entire night. If he isn't in his bedroom, the garden or the living room, then I don't know what else to tell you." Namjoon knew that Hoseok was very angry right now. He may not know where Yoongi was, but if he did, there was no way he would ever tell Hoseok.

Hoseok was reaching his boiling point. Not saying anything else to Namjoon, he stormed out of the study then out of the mansion. He needed some fresh air. He needed to find Yoongi, and bring him back. As far as he was concerned, the young vampire was his. He was the one who created him, so he belonged to him. The vampire walked down the path leading to the cemetery, his eyes completely black with rage while his fists trembled. He was going to find Yoongi if it was the last thing he do.


Yoongi smiled softly as he held Jimin's hand while the two of them walked towards the café for some breakfast. Jimin had woken up about an hour ago and got ready when Yoongi suggested they go out for breakfast. (Even though, he wasn't going to be eating anything). Jimin had agreed happily, and so that's where they were heading now. Yoongi held the door open for the boy before stepping inside after him. "Let's look for a place to sit away from the window. I don't want the sun shining on my face."

Jimin giggled cutely. "Alright. Let's look for a table away from the window." The boy scanned the café for a moment before seeing a table near the back. "How about over there, hyung?"

Yoongi glanced towers the table and nodded. "That's perfect." The vampire gently tugged Jimin with him towards the table near the back. There wasn't any windows, making the area a little darker than the rest of the café. Yoongi sat down and pulled back his hood. "It's feels nice not having to worry about the sun bothering me while we're here."

Jimin took a seat across from Yoongi and smiled happily. "At least. I like seeing your gorgeous face. It's hard to see underneath that hood." The boy winked at the vampire then giggled when a cute pink blush dusted over Yoongi's cheeks. "You look so cute when you blush, Yoongi hyung."

It always embarrassed Yoongi whenever Jimin would compliment him. He liked it, but also felt a little shy over it. When the younger mentioned the blush, Yoongi lowered his head to hide his cheeks. "I do not! Cut it out!"

Jimin giggled so adorably, loving the reaction he got from Yoongi. "But, it's the truth. You look so cute when you blush. I could make you blush all day, and I won't get tired of it." He loved teasing Yoongi. It was always nice to see the elder get so embarrassed and flustered.

"Jimin. Cut it out." Yoongi spoke in a warning tone, lifting his head a little bit so he could look at the boy's beautiful face. He felt his cheeks darkened a little when he saw the smirk on Jimin's face.

"Oh what? What are you doing to do, hyung~?" Jimin raised one of his legs to begin rubbing one of Yoongi's legs underneath the table. He giggled cutely when he saw the vampire tense up.

Yoongi was becoming more flustered with each passing second. He noticed that Jimin could be quite the tease. He hated it yet loved it at the same time. When Yoongi felt Jimin's leg rubbing against his own, he reached down and gripped onto the boy's ankle lightly. "Teasing a vampire could get you into trouble. You better watch yourself, Jiminie."

"Oh? What if I don't? What are you going to do?" Jimin managed to break out of Yoongi's grasp and moved his foot. He squeezed it in between Yoongi's legs and began rubbing his crotch. He felt accomplished when the vampire groaned quietly.

Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek as his crotch was being rubbed by Jimin's foot. He had to make the boy stop before it got out of hand. It was very easy to arouse a vampire after all. Moving his hand around underneath the table, Yoongi grabbed hold of Jimin's ankle once again. Then, he pushed it down to the floor. "Enough."

Jimin pouted cutely. "No fun." He stuck his tongue out at the vampire before shifting his gaze to look at the waiter who stepped over to their table. Already knowing what he wanted, Jimin told the other human his order and watched him walk away. When the two were alone once again, the human looked at Yoongi. "So hyung. What do you want to do after here?"

You. Yoongi thought to himself. After Jimin's little foot rubbing, Yoongi was a little aroused. He hated how easily aroused he became. He would just have to calm down and think of something else other than wanting to bend Jimin over table, banging him right here. "Maybe we take a walk through the park again? I enjoyed the last time we walked through there."

Jimin hummed softly in response, resting his cheek against his hand. He was trying to move his foot back against Yoongi's crotch again, but the elder crossed his legs. Hearing the suggestion, the boy smiled and nodded his head. "Sure. That sounds like a good idea." Better yet, that sound like a great idea. Jimin knew of a secluded place in the park. Perhaps he and Yoongi could hide out there to have a little bit of fun. That certain sent a pleasurable shiver through Jimin's body.

Having no idea of Jimin's perverse intentions, Yoongi smiled softly. He was looking forward to walking through the park with the orange haired boy. Of course, he probably will enjoy it even more once he was made known of Jimin's little idea.

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