Chapter X

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The next morning came, and Yoongi didn't leave his room. He didn't want to see Hoseok. Especially not after what happened yesterday. Despite his injuries being healed, Yoongi still felt the mental pain of the beating he had received. The only thing the young vampire had to look forward to was seeing Jimin this afternoon. Of course, he would have to make sure that Hoseok didn't find out. He wanted to keep Jimin safe from the other vampire.

Yoongi leaned against the wall while staring out the window. He was looking at Jin while he tended to the garden. Yoongi wanted to go outside, and help the elder but didn't want to risk running into Hoseok. Perhaps he could climb down his window by the wines beside his balcony. The vampire thought it was worth a try. He opened his balcony door and stepped out, closing one of his eyes once he was welcomed by the bright sun. God, he hated how bright the sun was. Pulling up his black hood, Yoongi stepped over to the left side of the balcony to look at the vines on the wall. He was a little afraid of heights, but he really wanted to be with Jin right now. Very carefully, Yoongi climbed down the vine until he reached the bottom. Then, he ran over to the garden. "Jin hyung!" Yoongi called once he was close enough to the garden.

Jin looked up when he heard his name being called. A soft smile appeared on his face once he saw Yoongi running towards him. "Hi Yoongi. I thought you would never come out of your room."

Yoongi slowed his running down to a walking pace as he neared the elder. "I was going to stay in there until it was time for me to see Jimin. But, I saw you in the garden, so I wanted to help you until it's time for me to go."

"Well, that's sweet of you. I would love the help and the company." Jin clicked off some dead leaves and vines from one of the red roses. "Could you check the black roses? I haven't checked them yet."

"Sure thing, hyung." Yoongi stepped over to the black roses bed after picking up one of the clippers. Kneeling down in front of the flower bed, Yoongi began tending to the roses. While doing so, the vampire noticed that one of the black roses seemed to be withering. Reaching out one hand, Yoongi lightly poked the rose, and watched as one of the petals fell. Seeing the petal fall, Yoongi couldn't help but compare himself to the rose. Yes, it was odd, but it was just a thought that came to mind. He didn't understand why, but perhaps he would come to understand it in time. Lightly shaking his head, Yoongi continued to help Jin tend to the garden until it was time for him to meet up with Jimin.


Yoongi looked around the park as he sat on one of the many benches. There were quite a lot of couples walking through the park today. Yoongi wondered if this was a popular spot for couples to spend time together. If that was the case, he probably looked like a lonely guy or someone who was waiting for their partner. The vampire preferred the latter. As he waited for Jimin, he began thinking about the human boy. Even though it was their second time hanging out, Yoongi was already thinking about the boy day in and day out. Perhaps it was because he was beginning to really like the human boy. It made him happy yet afraid at the same time. He afraid of Jimin finding out what he was, and afraid of Hoseok attacking Jimin. He definitely didn't want that to happen. The vampire would do everything in his power to make sure Jimin was safe. He just had to.

Yoongi was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard his name evening called. The vampire turned his head to seen Jimin running over to him with a happy smile on his beautiful face. "Sorry that I'm late! Practice lasted longer than what I expected." Jimin said once he was standing in front of the elder.

Yoongi smiled lightly and shook his head a little. "No need to apologize. It is fine." The vampire didn't mind waiting for Jimin. Hell, he would wait until the end of the time for Jimin.

"Are you sure? I feel bad for making you wait so long." Jimin pouted cutely as he looked at Yoongi with a soft gaze.

A light laugh escaped Yoongi's lips. "I'm sure. It's fine, really Jimin. I don't mind waiting for you."

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