Chapter XVI

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Namjoon ran through the quiet, darkened town in search of Hoseok. He was searching for the vampire's scent, in hopes of finding him before he did anything horrible to Jimin. He didn't want that happen, knowing it would hurt and anger Yoongi. "I hope I can get there in time. Hoseok...don't do anything stupid." Namjoon stopped and looked around for a few moments, smelling the air. His head snapped in the direction where Hoseok's scent was most strong. "Found you." Dashing off in a fast run, Namjoon followed Hoseok's scent.


Jimin made a soft sound, slowly waking up. He yawned softly and sat up in bed to stretch out his arms. Once he was done, he glanced towards the clock and perked an eyebrow when he saw that it was only four in the morning. Why was he up so early? He usually slept in until eight. Yawning once more, the boy was about to head back to bed when he heard a soft laugh coming from his window. The boy immediately looked towards the window to see a figure leaning against the wall. "W-who's there? What are you doing in my room?"

Hoseok smirked widely once he noticed the boy had awoken. He would have began his fun with Jimin being asleep, but he wanted to feel the satisfaction of seeing the boy's face twisted in pain. Being asked who he was, Hoseok leaned away from the wall. "Who I am is of no importance to you, human."

Jimin became confused by the words. He thought he had ever right to know who this person was. He was in his room after all. The boy frowned deeply as he looked at the stranger, not being able to feel afraid and worried about who this person. "You are in my bedroom. You are not allowed to be in here. Get out." Jimin was trying to keep his voice from shaking.

Hoseok arched an eyebrow at Jimin's words, clearly becoming amused. He found it funny how the human was trying to sound strong. He thought it was rather cute. He kept stepping closer to Jimin until he was right by his bed. "Aren't you cute? Stop trying to sound tough. I can't tell you are scared. Show me that fear. I want to see it so bad." Hoseok reached out one hand run his finger down Jimin's cheek. He was pleased once he saw the human shudder.

Jimin froze on the bed once he felt the man's finger touch his cheek. He was ice cold. He was like Yoongi. Jimin looked at the vampire with large eyes. " are a vampire, aren't you? You're just like..." The boy trailed off, not knowing if it was a good idea for him to say Yoongi's bed.

"Yes. I am a vampire. You are a clever little human, aren't you?" Hoseok moved his hand to roughly gripped onto Jimin's chin. When he heard the whimper that escaped Jimin's lips, he felt a delightful shiver run down his spine. He really liked the way that sound. "I'm just like who, little one? Is there so happen to be another vampire who you know?" After saying that, Hoseok pressed his thumb much harder on Jimin's chin, watching the boy make another pained sound.

Jimin's heart was pounding so loudly against his rib cage. He was terrified right now, despite wanting to be strong. A whimper escaped his lips when the vampire had gripped tighter onto his chin, most likely leaving a bruise. Being asked if he knew another vampire, Jimin immediately answered with a chaste 'no'. He didn't want to possibly get Yoongi into trouble if this vampire so happened to know who he was.

Hoseok was not pleased when Jimin denied knowing Yoongi. That seemed to irritate him for some reason. His hearing picked up the sound of Jimin's heart pounding within his chest, causing the vampire to become rather hungry. Just the simple sound of the human's heart pumping blood through his veins delighted Hoseok. He suddenly became curious on how the boy's blood tasted. Judging by the boy's smooth neck, Yoongi hadn't bitten him. Perfect. Hoseok would be more than happy to be the first one to sink his teeth into the beautifully smooth flesh. "Well, no matter. Whoever that vampire is, he won't be seeing you anymore."

Jimin's eyes widened largely once he heard the vampire's words. What did he mean? He wanted to see Yoongi. Why wouldn't Yoongi be seeing him anymore? The boy was very terrified to find out. "W-what? W-why?"

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