Chapter XIII

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((Slightly smutty))

The park was only filled with people today. It was almost a little nerve wrecking for Yoongi. He kept wrinkling his nose everytime a human walked by him. Being able to smell the different scents of blood made the vampire feel a little lightheaded. So, he did his best to calm himself until he and Jimin were alone together. Yoongi had his fingers interlaced with Jimin's as they walked down the path slowly. The vampire was suddenly caught by surprise when Jimin tugged him away from the path. "Um, Jimin? Where are we going? Aren't we going to follow the path?" Yoongi thought they were going to walk on the path through the entire park. He didn't know that the himan boy had something different in mind.

Jimin was trying not to smirk as he tugged Yoongi away from the path. He walked through the grass, simply answering with a simple 'you'll see.' He noticed that seemed to confuse the vampire even more. After walking a little bit longer, the two found themselves in a secluded area of the park.

Looking around, Yoongi perked an eyebrow and looked down at Jimin. "Jimin, what is this place? Why are we here?" The vampire didn't know of the boy's intentions. At least, not yet. "If you wanted to just relax, we could of went back to your house."

Jimin turned around to face Yoongi with a sweet smile. He took a step closer to the elder, reaching out his small hands to gently grip onto the front of his black jacket. "I wanted us to be alone. Plus, I don't want to go home just yet." Taking another step closer, Jimin pressed his body against Yoongi's. He giggled lightly at the confused look on the elder's face. "Besides, I wanted to show you this place."

Yoongi wrapped his arms loosely around Jimin's waist and perked an eyebrow. "Is wanting us to be alone the only reason?" He had a feeling the human boy had an ulterior motive for wanting the two of them to be alone in a secluded area at the park.

Jimin gave Yoongi a innocent smile in response to his question. He didn't want the elder to know his true motive was. Although, he had a feeling that vampire already had an idea of what it was. "Is there something wrong with wanting to be alone with you?"

"No. There isn't. I was just curious to know if there was another idea in that little head of yours." Yoongi leaned down to place a kiss on Jimin's forehead. Then, he stepped away from the younger and walked over to the large shade tree. If the two of them were going to spend time here, he might as well make himelf himself comfortable underneath the shade tree. Sitting down on the grass, Yoongi laid back with his arms underneath his head. A content sigh escaped his lips as he felt the gentle breeze brush against his face.

Jimin watched the elder lay down on the grass with a smirk on his face. Now that Yoongi seemed convinced about staying here, it was time to put his plan into action. The boy stepped over to the elder, and instead of laying down beside him, Jimin took his seat right on Yoongi's lap. A cute giggle escaped his plump lips when Yoongi opened his eyes to look at him oddly.

Yoongi was enjoying the gentle breeze until he felt something that caused his eyes to snap open. He saw Jimin practically straddling him with a rather seductive smirk on his face. "Um, Jimin. What are you doing?" He bit his lower lip when he felt Jimin rub his butt against his crotch.

Jimin rest his hands against Yoongi's stomach as he looked down at the vampire. When he heard the question, the boy began rubbing his butt against the elder's crotch. "I just want to have some fun, Yoongi hyung. There is no one around. So, maybe we can play a little bit."

Yoongi perked an eyebrow as he listened to Jimin speak. The boy wanted to play? Well, he certainly didn't expect that. Playing around with the human sound like fun, however, he was worried someone was going to find them here. He definitely didn't want that to happen. When Yoongi parted his lips to speak, he suddenly felt Jimin rub his butt harder against his crotch. Instead of words coming out, a sharp gasp escaped instead. "Jimin. Cut that out. We can't do this in the middle of the park. If you want to play, let's go back to your house. We can play all you want there."

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