Chapter XV

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Jin quietly closed the door to Yoongi's bedroom once he had tucked in the smaller vampire after treating his wounds. He sighed softly, stepping away from the door and walked towards the stairs. Half way down the stairs, he heard the sound of Namjoon yelling. It seemed like the elder was yelling at Hoseok still. Stepping into the living room, Jin saw his lover gripping onto the front of Hoseok's shirt with a deep glare in his eyes. The delicate vampire remained quiet as he listened to Namjoon lecture Hoseok.

"How the hell could you hurt him like that?! What were you thinking Hoseok?! If Jin and I were a minute later, you would have raped poor Yoongi! I thought you cared about him. If you really cared for him, you wouldn't hurt him like this!" Namjoon was very angry right now. Furious even. He didn't understand Hoseok's logic with hurting Yoongi just to prove that the smaller vampire belonged to him. He didn't understand that at all.

Hoseok didn't say anything as Namjoon yelled at him. There was nothing for him to say. He knew that he had done a horrible thing with hurting Yoongi, and almost raping the smaller vampire. He had just been so very angry. In a way, he regretted doing such horrible things to Yoongi, but at the same time, he thought the younger vampire deserved it. He was meddling with a human. A human whom he wanted to destroy. He knew that killing Jimin won't make Yoongi is, but it would keep the vampire from leaving the house. Hoseok heard Namjoon's growls, but still remained quiet. He didn't have anything to say about what had happened.

"Hoseok, are you honestly not going to say anything about this? You honestly don't feel any sort of remorse for behaving like a mad man?" Namjoon pushed Hoseok back, watching the other vampire fall backwards onto the floor. His hands clenched into fists as he glared down at the brunet. "You are walking on a thin line, Hoseok. You are testing my patience. If you insist on harming Yoongi further, I am not going to stop myself from punishing you for it." Not being able to stand the sight of Hoseok any longer, Namjoon turned and walked out of the living room. He brushed his shoulder gently against Jin's on his way out. The silver haired vampire stormed over to his study, and slammed the door shut.

Jin sighed sadly, his eyes lowering. He knew that his lover was very upset right now. It would be best to leave him be for now whenever he was this upset. Lifting his gaze, the delicate vampire saw Hoseok standing from the from ground. Suddenly, a wave of anger surged through Jin's body once he saw the small smirk that was forming on Hoseok's face. What was the vampire planning? "Where do you think you're going, Hoseok? You are not allowed to leave this house." Jin frowned when he saw the other scuff at his words.

"Say who? I'm going out for a stroll. You don't have to worry about where I am going. So, why don't you play mommy and go check up on Yoongi." Hoseok said mockingly, waving his hand towards the staircase.

Hearing that made Jin more angry. He  was never one to become angry, but Hoseok was testing his patience. "Learn to respect your elders, Hoseok. Watch your tone when you're speaking with me." There was nothing Jin hated more than being disrespected. It made his skin crawl, and sent a wave of anger through him. He became more angry when Hoseok let out a rather loud laugh. What was so fucking funny? "I do not understand what is so amusing."

"You. You are so funny, hyung." Hoseok laughed a little more before grinning widely at Jin. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, the brunet stepped over to Jin until he was standing right in front of him. "You want me to watch my tone? Don't make me laugh. I honestly only respect you for only one reason. For making me what I am. Besides that, I don't feel like showing you any sort of respect." The grin slowly turned into a wicked smirk as Hoseok lifted up one hand to brush his fingers underneath Jin's chin. "You know, you have such beautiful lips. So full and soft." Hoseok gently ran his thumb along Jin's lower lip. "I bet Namjoon loves the way they feel around his dick."

Jin became very uncomfortable when Hoseok had stepped towards him. He immediately lifted up one hand to press it against Hoseok's chest to keep him from coming any closer. When Hoseok ran his thumb along his lower lip, Jin resisted the urge to bite down on his thumb. Soon, his face became beet red at Hoseok's inappropriate remark. Without thinking, Jin raised his hand and slapped Hoseok across the face. "You fucking asshole!"

Hoseok was not pleased with being slapped. His eyes grew dark, a frown forming on his lips. Instantly he gripped onto Jin's throat, and slammed him against the wall. "Watch the way you talk to me, hyung. I know you turned me, but remember. I'm must stronger than you." Hoseok heard Namjoon's yells, and hurried steps. He stepped away from Jin, and winked at him. "If you excuse me. I have a little date with a little cute human boy. I mustn't keep him waiting." After saying those words, Hoseok vanished from the living.

Jin was trembling. His knees felt like they were about to give out. Slowly, he slid down to the floor just as Namjoon turned the corner. "Jin!" The delicate vampire, reached out to grab onto his lover and clung to him tightly. "Joonie..."

Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jin, pulling his lover close to the gusts chest. He lifted one hand to gently stroke the back of his head. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?"

Jin shook his head, his eyes burning with tears. He slowly pulled back a little to look at Namjoon's handsome face. "J-Joonie. We need to stop him. He's...going to hurt Jimin. We can't let that happen..."

Namjoon became a little confused. Who was Jimin? It suddenly came to the vampire that Jimin was the human boy that Yoongi was seeing. "I'll go stop him. You stay here with Yoongi. Do not let him leave this house. I don't want to risk him getting hurt."

Jin nodded his head shakily. Before Namjoon could leave, Jin pulled him down to press their lips together in a sweet kiss. He held the kiss for a moment before pulling back. "Please be careful, Joonie. Bring him back."

Namjoon pressed his forehead against Jin's. "I will. Don't you worry about that." Giving Jin one more kiss, Namjoon stood up and dashed out of the house. He didn't know where Jimin lived, but he will be able to pin point where due to following Hoseok's scent. He just hoped he won't be too late.


Hoseok gazed down at the sleeping boy on the bed. His orange locks brushed against his forehead. Taking a step closer to the bed, the vampire leaned down to run his index finger down Jimin's cheek.


A deep frown appeared on Hoseok's face when he heard Jimin mumbled Yoongi's name. That sent a wave of anger to spread throughout his body. Leaning down, he pressed his lips against the boy's ear, and whispered darkly.

"After I am done with you, that will be the last word coming out of your mouth..."

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