Chapter XXVII

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Jin couldn't shake this uneasy feeling that was forming in the pit of his stomach. He didn't quite know why he was suddenly having this feeling, but he did know was that he had to get to Yoongi as quickly as possible. Jin took a sharp turn at the corner of the street where Jimin lived. Please be at the house. Please. Seeing the house coming into view, Jin felt a wave of relief wash over him. However, a soft voice called out his name. "Jin? Is that you?"

Instantly, Jin stilled, his eyes widening largely. Please tell me I imagined that voice. Please tell me he really isn't here. Slowly, Jin turned around to face the man who had said his name and tensed up. "J-Jaejoong hyung. What are you doing here?"

The blonde haired vampire took a step towards Jin, one of his hands tucked away inside of his pants pocket. "It has came to my attention that there is a vampire who has become a little too comfortable with a human. I am here to find out who this vampire is. You wouldn't happen to know who it is, do you?"

Upon hearing Jaejoong's words, Jin instantly thought of Yoongi. Was he seen with Jimin while the two were spending time together by another vampire? The vampire was really hoping that was not the case. He knew the punishment for becoming involved with a human was a harsh one. It was forbidden. Every vampire knew that. It was one of the many things they were taught by their superiors. "No. I have not seen any vampire wondering around here with a human." It took everything in Jin not to cringe. He was never one to lie. In fact, he hated liars. However, there was no way he could tell Jaejoong he knew the vampire in question.

Jaejoong eyed Jin for a moment after hearing his answer. He knew the beautiful male never lied, so he instantly believed his words. "Very well. I must find this vampire. It is disgraceful for one of our kind to be romantically involved with a human. It is unacceptable." As the blonde spoke, his face scrunched up with disgust.

Jin had to resist the urge to flinch once he caught sight of Jaejoong's expression. It pained him to hear the elder vampire speak in such a way. Considering the fact the vampire who he was speaking of was Yoongi. "Do you have any clue...on who this vampire is?"

Jaejoong folded his arms across his chest with a frown on his face. "Unfortunately, I do not. However, I shall get to the bottom of it. I will not accept any vampire being with a human. They are our food source. Not a partner."

Jin felt a foreign pain in his chest as he listened to Jaejoong's words. The delicate vampire lowered his eyes. He knew if the elder vampire found out that it was Yoongi, the mint haired vampire would be in a lot of trouble. And Jin didn't want that. He really didn't want anything bad to happen to Yoongi. The younger vampire was precious to him. "I see."

Jaejoong's expression softened as he looked at Jin. Lowering his arms down to his sides, the elder stepped over to the slightly shorter vampire until he was standing in front of him. "Jin, would you keep me informed if you gain some information about this vampire? I need to know who this person is. They deserve punishment."

Jin tensed a little when Jaejoong had stood in front of him. Hearing his words, the delicate vampire became worried and scared. Jaejoong wanted his help with finding Yoongi? There was no way he would ever turn Yoongi over to the elder vampire. However, he couldn't deny Jaejoong, even though he wasn't going to help him. "V-Very well. I shall keep an eye out for this vampire."

A soft smile appeared on Jaejoong's gorgeous face once he heard Jin's words. "Excellent. I knew I could count on you, my sweet little Jin." The blonde lifted a hand to brush his cold fingers against the delicate vampire's cheek. "I shall return in due time to collect any information you have obtained. Until then, farewell my Jin." Leaning in, the elder placed a cold kiss against Jin's forehead. The corners of his lips twitched upward when Jin had shivered. Pulling back, Jaejoong winked flirtatiously at Jin before turning on his heels. He walked away from Jin until he disappeared.

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