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Jimin groaned softly as he slowly came too. His eyes fluttered opened only to closed once again when a bright light shone in his face. Slowly turning his head, the boy sat up while groaning again. When Jimin had sat up, he instantly felt his head begin to throb. Why was his head hurting so much? Did he hit his head when he was sleeping? That had to be the reason. Jimin lightly shook his head and lifted his head once his eyes became used to the harsh light in the room. His eyes widened once he realized he was no longer in his bedroom. What was going on? Why was he here? "Where am I? This isn't my bedroom." The room the human boy was in was certainly much more exquisite and elegant than his own bedroom. It was like the bedroom he had slept in when he spent the night at Yoongi's home.

"Ah, your awake little one." A figure stepped out from the shadows and made his way over to Jimin. "How was your slumber? You are quite the heavy sleeper." The blonde haired vampire smirked a little.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Jimin instantly became uneasy around this man. There was something about him that screamed dangerous. And Jimin definitely didn't want to be around him.

"Ah, do forgive my manners. I am Jaejoong. I'm sure you already realized what I am." Jaejoong kept his eyes on Jimin, pleased to see how the uneasy the boy was.

Jimin moved back on the bed he had woken up on. Soon his back was pressed against the headboard. When he heard the blonde's words, it took him a moment to realize what he meant. Now that the man mentioned it, Jimin did get an unusual presence from. It was the same when he first met Yoongi. This man was a vampire. Knowing that, a scared feeling surged through Jimin's body. If this man was indeed vampire, then that meant it he might be one of those elders Yoongi had spoken about. Without realizing it, Jimin began to tremble. "W-why am I here? What do you want?"

Jaejoong was amused. Just seeing Jimin trembling in fear pleased him greatly. It was lovely how quickly he had struck fear within the boy. It made this all the easier for the blonde. "Let's just say I am using you as bait. To lure your beloved Yoongi here. Because of the two of you, I have been stripped of my ranking as an elder along with my secret being brought to light." A deep frown made its way to the vampire's handsome face. "So, because of that, I am going to make the two of you suffer."

With each word that left Jaejoong's mouth, the fear within Jimin increased. He and Yoongi were going to suffer? Just because this vampire was unhappy? That wasn't fair. Why couldn't he and Yoongi just be happy together? "Why? Why are you doing this? It isn't fair. Why can't Yoongi hyung and I just be happy together? Is that so wrong?"

Those words seemed to have angered Jaejoong because the vampire growled and lunged forward. His hand enclosed around Jimin's neck, slamming him against the headboard. "You better watch your tongue, human. Do you honestly believe you and Yoongi could be happy? Do you think everyone will allow you two to be together? If they wouldn't allow Yunho and I together, then what makes you think the two of you are special?" With each sentence that was spoken, Jaejoong tightened his hold around Jimin's throat, choking the poor boy.

Jimin's heart began pounding so loudly in his chest, his small hands desperately trying to remove Jaejoong's hand from around his neck. His fear kept growing with each passing second along with his eyes beginning to burn with threatening tears. His breaths were harsh and faint due to the lack of oxygen as the vampire tightened his grip further. With how hard Jaejoong was gripping his neck it could be enough to snap the boy's neck. Before his vision blackened out, oxygen came rushing back to his lungs when Jaejoong removed his hand.

Jaejoong could easily kill Jimin right here and now. All he needed to do was squeeze his neck a little harder then it would be done. However, he didn't want to kill the boy just yet. Calming himself down, Jaejoong released his hold from around Jimin's neck and moved away from the human. As he stepped away from the bed, he heard the harsh breaths of the boy. The blonde had to admit, he enjoyed the sound of the ragged and harsh sounds. It pleased him. Smirking a little, the vampire stepped over to the bedroom door and reached out to grab onto the door knob. "I won't kill you just yet. Consider yourself lucky little one." Jaejoong looked back at the orange haired boy with a wicked smirk. "I will be back later. When I return, how about we play for a little bit. I'll be sure to make things fun." After those words, a wicked laugh was heard and the vampire exit the bedroom with a slam of the door.

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