Chapter XXXII

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Jin couldn't stop shaking while he sat in the living room beside Namjoon. He was so worried about Yoongi. He glanced towards Jaejoong, who was standing by the window, looking out for any signs of Kris and Yunho with Yoongi. Jin lowered his gaze, feeling like all of this was his fault. He felt like he should have done a better job with keeping Yoongi's and Jimin's relationship hidden. If only he had not allowed Yoongi to constantly see Jimin, maybe things wouldn't had gotten this bad. The delicate vampire felt tears stinging at the corner of his eyes as he thought about all of this.

Namjoon noticed how distressed and worried Jin was right now. The silver haired vampire wrapped an arm around his lover and pulled him close to his side. Leaning in, he began whispering soft comforting words into Jin's ear. He wanted to soothe the other vampire as much as he could.

Hoseok was leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. Despite showing no sort of emotion on his face, he was secretly worried about Yoongi. He should had dealt with this problem himself. He should had taken cared of Jimin when he had the chance. Then, none of this would had happened. The brunet shifted his gaze over to Jaejoong, a slight glare in his eyes. Even though the elder vampire was much stronger than he was, and he was their superior, Hoseok would not hesitate to protect Yoongi from him. Sure, he treated Yoongi badly most of the time, but he still cared a great deal for the smaller vampire. When Jaejoong had shift his gaze to look at him, Hoseok averted his gaze to look down at the ground. Yoongi. Please be safe.


Yoongi was laughing as he played a video game with Taehyung. He was currently beating the human right now. This was so much fun. He enjoyed playing video games with Jimin and his friends. It was the first time he had ever had this much fun as a vampire. He had completely forgotten about heading back home before it was too late. Yoongi soon cheered once he beat Taehyung once again. "Yes! I beat you again, Tae!"

Taehyung whined cutely and dropped the controller on the couch. "No fair! I never lose at this game!"

"Well, it just seems like you've lost, Tae Tae." Jungkook said with a cute bunny-like smile. He grabbed the controller from the couch and looked at Yoongi. "Let's play a round together, Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi flashed a adorable gummy smile and nodded his head. "Sure thing, Kookie." Yoongi glanced over to Jimin, who had fallen asleep beside him. The vampire smiled fondly and leaned over to place a kiss on the human's cheek. When he pulled back, the mint haired vampire's gaze found the clock that was on the night stand. The gummy smile instantly faded once he read the time on the clock. 11:57 PM. "Shit! I have to go! Oh, man Jin hyung is going to be so mad!" Yoongi jumped up from the couch and slipped on his jacket.

The sudden movement woke Jimin up, the boy's eyes fluttering open and a cute yawn leaving his lips. "What's the matter, Yoongi hyung?" He asked in a groggy tone.

"I have to head home. It's nearly midnight. Jin hyung told me to be back before dinner." Yoongi didn't wait for Jimin to answer. He simply pecked the boy on the lips and bid Taehyung and Jungkook farewell before bolting out the house.

Taehyung blinked as he watched Yoongi rush out of the house. He shifted his gaze to Jimin in confusion. "What was that about?"

Jimin was highly confused as well. Why did Yoongi suddenly leave like that? It has only been an hour right? The orange haired beauty looked at the clock that was sitting on the night stand, and his eyes widened. "Oh my God! I didn't know it was this late!"

"That's because you fell asleep, Jimin hyung. Since you had fallen asleep, the three of us took turns playing the game." Jungkook said, tilting his head to the side.

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