Chapter XVII

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The next morning, Yoongi dashed out of the mansion, pulling up his black hood over his head once he had stepped into the sunlight. He was just informed what had happened last night while he was resting. Knowing that Hoseok had attacked Jimin made Yoongi so very angry. Unfortunately, the vampire had not seen the brunet when he had woken up. Yoongi was going to make sure he would beat Hoseok's ass for harming his Jimin. Yoongi ran passed the cemetery and down the street towards Jimin's house. He was hoping Jimin was alright. It worried the vampire greatly thinking about the possibility of the himan boy being hurt. It didn't take Yoongi long to reach Jimin's house, the mint haired vampire stepping up to the front. Anxiously, he knocked on the door and waited for a response. Once the door opened to reveal a sleepy Jimin, Yoongi quickly wrapped his arms around the human boy. "Jiminie!"

Jimin was caught by surprise when he was suddenly hugged as soon as he opened the front door. He was about to push the person off until he heard the person's voice. His eyes widened, and immediately wrapped his arms around Yoongi. "Yoongi hyung!"

Yoongi held Jimin tightly, not wanting to let the boy go. He had been so worried about him when he was told about what happened last night. He wanted to kill Hoseok for what he's done. He doesn't want anyone to harm Jimin. Yoongi suddenly pulled away when he had heard Jimin winced. "What's the matter, Jimin? Did I hug you too hard?"

Jimin was trying to ignore the searing pain he was experiencing in his back. His back was still in a lot of pain from last night when Hoseok had thrown him at a tree. When Yoongi pulled away, Jimin saw the worry in the vampire's eyes. He giggled lightly when he heard Yoongi's question. "No, hyung. You aren't hugging me too hard. It's just...I hurt my back yesterday." The human boy was a little nervous about telling Yoongi that Hoseok had hurt his back when he had thrown him. However, when he saw the vampire's eyes darkened, he figured he already knew why.

"Did Hoseok hurt you last night? Is he the reason why your back is hurting?" Yoongi was becoming angry at the simple thought of Hoseok being the cause of Jimin's pain. If the brunet had harmed Jimin in any way, he was going to kill him. Yoongi noticed that Jimin seemed to be hesitating to answer him. "Jimin, you can tell me. I don't like you being in pain."

Being asked if Hoseok had hurt him last night, Jimin grew worried. He wanted to tell Yoongi the truth, but was afraid the vampire would do something drastic if he found out. As he was thinking of what to say, he looked at Yoongi when he heard his words. Seeing the sincere and worry in his eyes caused the boy's heart to flutter inside of his chest. Deciding that he should tell Yoongi the truth, Jimin nodded his head slowly. "Yes. He did hurt me last night. When I was running away. He had caught me, and threw me against a tree. My back collided really hard against the tree. I think I might have a bad bruise..."

Yoongi felt his blood beginning to boil as he listened to Jimin's words. He was going to kill Hoseok for hurting his Jimin. He would not stand for it. He thought someone as precious as Jimin should never have to go through such pain. When Jimin said that he might have a bruise, Yoongi felt his anger increase. "Let me see. I want to see how bad it is."

Jimin's eyes widened a little when Yoongi had asked to see his bruise. He bit his lower lip, suddenly becoming uneasy. He didn't want Yoongi to see his bruise, knowing he was going to become very angry. "I'm okay, hyung. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine." Jimin flinched a little bit when he he saw the frown that appeared on Yoongi's face.

Yoongi was not pleased when Jimin told him not to worry about him. How could he not worry about him? He cared so much about the boy, and wanted him to be well. So, the vampire was not going to take no for a answer. "I am going to check your back. I will not take no for a answer." Without saying anything else, Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and tugged the boy back inside the house. Allowing the boy to closed the door, Yoongi then pulled him towards the living room. The vampire sat down on the couch and looked up at Jimin. "Take off your shirt and sit in front of me."

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