Chapter VII

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"What the hell should I wear? Damn it." Yoongi ruffled his mint locks in frustration as he looked through his wardrobe for a outfit to wear. Majority of the clothes he had were black and rather simple. Sure, he figured he didn't need to be dressed fancy, but he at least wanted to look presentable. After much debating (along with most of his clothes laying around on the floor), Yoongi settled with a short sleeve black shift with a pair of ripped light blue skinny jeans. Once he was dressed, he slipped on a pair of black socks and black shoes. Once he was fully dressed, he stood in front of his full-body mirror to fix his mint locks to make sure it wasn't messy or sticking up everywhere. "Okay. I should be good now."

Yoongi exit his bedroom, only to be greeted with Hoseok's smug grin. "Going somewhere little Yoongi?" The vampire allowed his eyes to look over the shorter vampire's attire before looking at his pretty face. "You're dressed rather nice. A little too nice to be staying inside like you always do."

Yoongi scuffed, rolling his eyes. He didn't want to deal with this right now. He needed to hurry to the cemetery gates to meet up with Jimin. "It is none of your business, Hoseok. I am not obligated to inform you where I am going. So, if you would excuse me." Just as Yoongi moved to walk pass Hoseok, a sharp gasp escaped his lips when his back was pressed against the wall rather roughly. "H-Hoseok! Let me go!"

Hoseok pinned Yoongi's arms against the wall beside his head as he peered down into his eyes. "Watch your tongue, Yoongi. Show some respect to the one who turned you. The one who saved you from your miserable life." The elder vampire took a step closer to press his body against Yoongi's.

Yoongi glared deeply at Hoseok, struggling against his hold, but to no avail. He hated how much stronger Hoseok was than him. It made him feel weak and small. As he listened to Hoseok's words, Yoongi growled lowly. He didn't like being remained of the fact that Hoseok was the one who turned him in the first place. "Whatever. Now, let me go." Yoongi was beginning to feel very uncomfortable due to their bodies being pressed together like this.

Hoseok smirked widely. "You better be a good boy, Yoongi." Before stepping back, Hoseok crashed their lips together in a rough kiss. The vampire was instantly pleased when he heard the small whimper Yoongi made into the kiss. He pulled back and winked at the smaller vampire then walked away.

Yoongi remained pressed up against the wall, even after Hoseok had left. He hated him so much. He hated how he always brought up the fact he was the one who changed him. Yoongi hated it so much. It made him feel as if Hoseok had some sort of control over him. Leaning away from the wall, Yoongi quickly hurried out of the mansion and grabbed his black jacket on the way out. Yoongi slipped on his jacket and pulled up the hood over his head, not bothering zipping it up. He then dashed down the trail leading to the cemetery, feeling so very excited about seeing Jimin again.

Jimin leaned against the bars of the gate that surrounded the cemetery. He looked around, wondering where Yoongi was. He hoped the elder was still coming. Jimin stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black skinny jeans. As he waited, he began humming softly to himself. However, that didn't last once he heard his name being called. Excitedly, the boy turned around to see Yoongi running towards him. A happy smile appeared on the boy's face as he walked over to the elder. "There you are, Yoongi hyung. I was worried you weren't going to come."

Yoongi stood in front of Jimin, a small smile on his pretty face. "Sorry. I had some things to do." He rubbed the back of his neck from underneath his hood.

"It's alright. I'm just happy you still came." Jimin reached out to gently take one of Yoongi's hands into his own. "Well, shall we go? I haven't had breakfast yet. There is this place that serves the best pancakes. Let's go there."

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