Chapter XXI

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Yoongi was stumbling a little as he made his way towards the cemetery entrance. He was so hungry. It was difficult walking by so many humans on his way here. Just the smell of their blood affected the young vampire greatly. He had to hurry and get home. He didn't want to attack an innocent human. Thankfully, Yoongi stumbled towards the entrance of the mansion. Now all he needed to do was find Jin. Right when the vampire reached out shakily to grab the door knob, his nostrils caught the scent of blood. Jin's blood. It was coming from the garden. With his eyes flashing silver, Yoongi stumbled his way towards the garden. "Jin hyung...Jin hyung." Yoongi's voice sounded a bit desperate as he called for the elder.

Jin was hiding away in the garden. He was filling small vials of blood for Yoongi. He didn't want his blood to spread throughout the mansion, so he decided to do so in the garden. As he was filling up a vial, he caught the sound of his name being called. The delicate vampire lifted his head to see Yoongi stumbling his way towards him. That made Jin worried. "Yoongi. What's the matter? Are you aright?" Worry was clearly visible on his face.

Yoongi had begun to pant heavily when the scent of Jin's blood grew stronger with each step he took towards the elder vampire. His eyes caught sight of the blood vials Jin was filling with his blood. Normally, he would reach for one of the vials and gulp it down. Instead, Yoongi lunged forward and pinned Jin to the ground, taking the elder by surprise. Before Jin could utter a word, Yoongi sunk his fangs deeply into the elder's neck.

Jin was becoming more worried now when Yoongi didn't answer him. He was afraid the younger vampire was hurt. The elder parted his lips to speak, but the words were not given a chance to leave his lips. He gasped loudly when he was pinned against the ground by Yoongi. Jin looked up at Yoongi with wide eyes and attempted to speak again, but once again was unable to when he felt Yoongi's fangs sink into his neck deeply. Jin winced, closing one eye.

Yoongi practically moaned at the taste of blood rushing into his mouth and down his throat. His hands kept Jin's wrists pinned against the ground as he pressed his body a little against the elder's. He was so hungry, his gulps large. After he was satisfied enough, the young vampire slowly pulled back. Slowly, opening his eyes and peered down at Jin. "Jin hyung...I'm sorry." Yoongi felt guilty for attacking Jin like that. He was just so hungry. He couldn't help it.

Jin allowed Yoongi to fed from him, being able to see the younger vampire was very hungry. Once Yoongi had pulled back, Jin looked up at the younger with a sweet smile. He lightly shook his head when Yoongi had apologized. "It's alright, Yoongi. You were hungry. I understand." Jin sat up when Yoongi had released him and sat back. The elder caught sight of some of his blood rolling down Yoongi's chin. Reaching out a hand, he wiped away the blood. "Are you feeling better?"

Yoongi sat back, straddling Jin's hips. When Jin had wiped away the blood from his chin, he looked up at the elder. Simply nodding his head, Yoongi leaned forward a gently rest his head against Jin's shoulder. "I...don't know how much longer I will be able to hold back with Jimin."

Jin wrapped his arms around Yoongi when the younger had laid his head against his shoulder. He rubbed Yoongi's back to try soothing him. When he heard his words, he blinked a couple times. "What do you mean?"

Yoongi sighed heavily, burying his face against Jin's shoulder. "I...I almost bit him, hyung. I was so close. I don't know what would had happened if his friends didn't show up." Yoongi reached out to grip onto the front of Jin's shirt. "Jin hyung, I don't want to hurt, Jimin. I don't want to accidentally bite him, and scare him off." Yoongi's body had began to tremble a little.

Jin's eyes widened a little when he heard Yoongi say he almost bit Jimin. That worried Jin. He knew Yoongi has yet to taste human blood. He knew his body was beginning to crave for that. Jin knew that if Yoongi kept denying human blood, it would not turn out good for him. He tightened his arms around Yoongi and held him close. "Yoongi. You need to listen to me. You have to drink human blood."

Yoongi didn't expect that. He didn't expect Jin to actually say that. The young vampire pulled back to stare at Jin with wide eyes. What did Jin mean by that? He didn't want to drink human blood. He absolutely refused. "What..? Jin hyung, I can't. There is no way I can do that. I don't want to drink human blood, Jin hyung. I refuse!"

Jin's soft expression soon turned serious. He had to explain the importance of human blood for a vampire. Along with the negative effects it had on a vampire's body when not consumed. "Yoongi, I understand you do not wish to drink human blood, but you must. I know you were once human, but you are a vampire now. You need to take care of yourself. If you don't drink human blood, you will grow weak gradually over time."

Yoongi looked at Jin as he spoke. He didn't want to hear this. There was nothing Jin could say that will make him drink human blood. He wasn't going to allow himself to fall into that temptation. "Jin hyung, if you are trying to tell me that I need to drink human blood, then I won't. I refuse to give into that temptation. I don't want to become a monster. I refuse. I refuse!"

Jin sighed softly, closing his eyes and lightly shook his head. It seemed like it was going to take more to convince Yoongi to drink human blood. To even consider it. The elder vampire looked at Yoongi with a soft expression. "Yoongi, please listen to me. I know you do not wish to drink human blood, but it is necessary. If you don't, you..." Jin trailed off, his eyes narrowing downward sadly.

"I will what? What will happen?" Yoongi wanted to know what Jin was going to say. What would happen if he didn't drink human blood? He couldn't die because he was immortal, right? So, that couldn't be the reason. When Jin didn't answer, Yoongi reached out to gently touch the elder's cheeks. "Jin hyung, tell me what you were going to say. What would happen if I don't drink human blood? Please tell me."

Jin pressed his lips into a tight line. He knew he should tell Yoongi. He needed to know. But, the vampire was afraid. He was afraid Yoongi will still refuse human blood even if he told him what could happen. Feeling Yoongi touch his cheeks, the elder leaned into his touch. "Yoongi. If you don't drink human blood, your body not only will weakened but you will..." This was so hard for Jin to say. It saddened the elder so much.

"Tell me, Jin hyung! Just tell me!" Yoongi was starting to become rather inpatient. He wanted to know what Jin was going to say.

"There is a possibility that you can die. A vampire's main sorce of food is human blood. Without that, there is a possibility the vampire can die." Jin's chest began to ache. Just the thought of Yoongi possibly dying made him so very sad.

"What..? What do you mean I will die..?" Yoongi didn't understand. He was a vampire. He was immortal. He could live for many decades to come without having to worry about sickness or old age. Now being told so suddenly that he could die without drinking human blood made him wonder if he was even immortal to begin with.

"It's like I said. It's a possibility. I could be completely wrong. I have not met any vampire who has died due to not drinking human blood."

Yoongi was about to part his lips to speak but stopped when he heard their names being called by Namjoon. The vampire turned his head to see the other vampire waving at them from the back door. "It seems like Namjoon wants us. Let's go see what he wants."

Jin almost let out a sigh if relief when he heard his lover calling them. "Let's go see what he wants." When Yoongi had moved from his lap, Jin stood up and quickly gathered all of the vials. "Take these. You are going to need them. I don't want you attacking me again." He smiled softly when he saw a blush dust over Yoongi's cheeks.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to attack you like that." Yoongi felt embarrassed about the way he had suddenly attacked Jin like that. He was glad the elder didn't seemed mad about that. After he took the blood filled vials, he followed Jin towards to the mansion. In the back of his mind, Yoongi began thinking about what Jin said. He could die if he doesn't drink human blood? Thinking about that made the vampire worried. Yet, at the same time, if that was so happen to be the case, then how much longer did he have? Yoongi almost didn't want to think about it. The thought scared him. It scared him a lot.

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