Chapter XX

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Jimin grumbled underneath his breath as he walked down the stairs towards the front door. Who could it be that ruined his and Yoongi's alone time together? Whoever it was better be someone important. When he reached the front door, Jimin turned the door knob and opened the door only to see the smiling faces of his friends. He sighed heavily, lightly shaking his head. "It's only you two." The human boy didn't even bothered trying to hide his disappointment.

"Hey! What do you mean by that?! We came by to see you! We know your parents are out of town, so we wanted to make sure our little Jiminie was alright." Taehyung was appalled with the way Jimin spoke. He thought they were being great, considerate friends that wanted to make sure their friend was alright.

"Calm down Tae. No need to freak out." Jungkook rubbed his boyfriend's shoulder before looking at Jimin with a sweet smile. "Sorry for coming over unannounced, Jimin hyung. We wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us."

Jimin rolled his eyes at Taehyung's words. His friend always behaved so dramatically some times. It was rather amusing at times though. When Jungkook had begun to speak, Jimin looked at him and smiled gently. He would love to hang out with his friends. He just wished Taehyung would say it like Jungkook. Right when he was about to agree, he remembered that Yoongi was upstairs in his bedroom. Jimin's eyes suddenly widened and his cheeks became dusted over with a faint blush. "U-um. I would love to hang out with you guys, but I just remembered I have something to do."

Taehyung arched a eyebrow at Jimin's words and folded his arms across his chest. "What could you possibly have to do? You don't have dance practice today. And whenever you don't, you just lay around or hangout with us. So don't tell me you have something to do."

Jungkook was a little disappointed that Jimin didn't seem to want to hangout with them. He was about to tell his boyfriend that they should go until he caught of something. Something on Jimin's neck. The younger examined the elder's neck for a couple moments before shifting his eyes to look at Jimin with a bunny-like grin. "You have a guy here with you, don't you Jimin hyung?"

Jimin's eyes widened largely once he heard Jungkook's words. How did the younger knew that? The himan boy hadn't noticed the hickys on his neck. That is, until Taehyung pointed them out. And when he did, Jimin's face turned completely red.

Taehyung became confused when he heard what Jungkook said. There was no way Jimin had a guy with him. They would had definitely known if Jimin had a boyfriend, right? The boy scanned his eyes over Jimin's face until his eyes landed on the hickys on the boy's neck. "Holy shit! What are those of your neck?! Are those hickys? You do have a guy here with you!"

Jimin's face grew beet red, his hands reaching up to hide the side of his neck. When did Yoongi-? Wait, just now?! "I-It isn't what it looks like!" Damn it, Jimin! That's only going to make things worse! The human boy was beyond embarrassed right now. He wanted to clear this up, even though there really wasn't something he could clear up. Just as the orange haired boy parted his lips to say something, he heard Yoongi's voice from the stairs.

"Sorry about the marks, Jiminie. It seems like I could help myself." Yoongi stepped down the stairs with his hands tucked inside of the pockets of his jeans. He had heard everything that was going on in Jimin's bedroom. He found it rather amusing to be honest. The vampire also loved how flustered Jimin became when his friends had noticed the hickys on his neck.

Jimin looked at Yoongi with wide eyes, his face seeming to become even redder, if that was even possible. "Yoongi hyung!" The boy whined cutely. He could hear the chuckles of his friends from behind him. "Yah! Stop laughing, you two! It isn't funny!" The boy was becoming very embarrassed. However, he calmed down a little when he felt Yoongi's arms wrap around him from behind.

Yoongi leaned down to gently rest his chin against Jimin's shoulder while cradling him gently in his arms. The vampire glanced towards Jimin's friends and chuckled softly once he saw the shocked expressions on their faces. The vampire leaned in close to gently nuzzle against Jimin's neck. "I have to get going, Jiminie. I have to head home. I'll let you hang out with your friends."

Taehyung's jaw hung open as he looked at Jimin and the man named Yoongi. Was this the guy who made those hickys on Jimin? The boy looked at the mint haired man for a moment, wondering where did his best friend meet this guy. He had never met him before. When Yoongi told Jimin to come hang out with them, his eyes lit up. "He's right! Come hang with us! Thanks Yoongi hyung."

Jimin looked at Yoongi with a cute pout, leaning back against the vampire's chest. "But Yoongi hyung, I wanted to spend some time with you." The orange haired beauty knew that it would be nice to hang out with his friends, but at the same time he wanted to spend some more time alone with Yoongi.

"No. You need to spend some with your friends. Don't mind me. I will see you either tonight or tomorrow." Yoongi didn't want to keep Jimin away from his friends. Besides, he needed to feed. And he definitely didn't want to be around so many humans while he was hungry. He didn't want to risk attacking anyone. Giving Jimin's cheek one more kiss, Yoongi removed his arms from around his waist. "It was nice meeting you two. I hope you all have fun." Smiling kindly, Yoongi pulled his black hood over his head and stepped outside.

Jimin pouted cutely as he watched Yoongi leave the house. After the vampire was out of sight, the boy sighed heavily. "What did you two want to do today?" By the tone of his voice, he sounds rather miserable. He already missed Yoongi.

Taehyung grinned at Jimin, reaching out to grab one of his hands while Jungkook grabbed the other one. "Oh, we want to know everything about Yoongi hyung." The brunet wiggled his eyebrows with his boxy grin.

"You can tell us everything at the arcade. We can eat some pizza too. I really want to know more about Yoongi hyung too." Jungkook agreed with his bunny-like grin. Being the tallest out of the three of them, Jungkook tugged Jimin out of the house while his boyfriend grabbed their friends cellphone and house keys.

Jimin whined cutely as he allowed himself to be tugged out of his house and down the street towards the arcade. He knew once they arrive, he was going to have to explain a lot about how he met Yoongi. Of course, he was leaving the part about the elder being a vampire out. Jimin knew his friends wouldn't believe him, but he still wasn't going to tell them. Not until Yoongi was comfortable with them knowing. If the vampire would ever be comfortable with that.

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