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A year later:

Yoongi sat on one of the many tombs in the cemetery staring at nothing in particular. It had been a whole year since Jimin's death. Despite it being a year now, Yoongi still has not recovered from it. The image of his dead lover was imprinted in his brain, and he couldn't get rid of it. Quite a bit happened after that day. Jaejoong was banished by the elders and was not allowed back ever again. That was a relief, but it still wasn't going to bring back Jimin.

After Jaejoong had been banished, Yoongi had been informed the rule of relationships between vampires and humans being forbidden had been revoked. It made the mint haired vampire happy, but he wished that rule could have been revoked when Jimin was still alive. Ever since then, there have been more relationships between vampires and humans.

After Jimin's death, Yoongi couldn't bring himself to tell Taehyung and Jungkook. Even less the deceased boy's parents. Luckily, and strangely, Himchan took it upon himself to inform Jimin's parents and friends about his death. From what Yoongi was told, no one took it well. Of course, who would. How could anyone take information about one of their loved ones passing away well? There was no one Yoongi knew who would at least.

As Yoongi sat so still atop of the tombstone, the sky slowly became dark with grey clouds. The scent of rain reached Yoongi's sense of smell, indicating it was about to rain. However, Yoongi didn't move. He stayed in his spot, hugging his knees to his chest. Soon, rain began falling from the heavens above. As the rain began to pour, so did Yoongi's tears. Ever since that day, Yoongi had found himself crying more than he ever did and it would happen everytime he thought about Jimin. If even smallest thought of Jimin came to mind, it would trigger Yoongi's tears to instantly fall down his cheeks.

The broken vampire lifted a hand to cover his face as he began to cry. His chest began to ache, despite not having a heart. The pain was still there and strong. Almost as if feeling the same pain, the sky began crying harder with the faint sound of thunder. Yoongi bent over, wrapping his arms around himself as he cried harder. The young vampire looked like a lost child, with thick tears streaming down his pale cheeks and the tip of his nose becoming a little red.

The mint haired vampire always wished he could turn back time and stop Jimin from dying. Perhaps if he would had kept his anger under control, he might had been able to save Jimin from bleeding out. At least, that's what Yoongi always thought. He remembered after he had clung to Jimin's lifeless body, he had attempted to turn him again by pouring more of his blood down the orange haired boy's throat. However, that hadn't worked at all.

When it came the day of the boy's funeral, Yoongi had distanced himself from everyone. He didn't want to be near anyone at the time, wanting to grieve alone. Yoongi hadn't stayed at the funeral for that long though, having left once Jimin's casket was being lowered into the ground. At the time, Yoongi couldn't bare the thought of seeing the boy he loved so very much being buried underneath the ground. Jimin was buried in this exact cemetery. However, Yoongi couldn't bring himself to visit his lover's grave. Not just yet. He was still trying to deal with the fact that he was gone, despite it already being a year.

While being lost in his pain, Yoongi didn't notice someone slowly approaching him from behind. Slender arms slowly wrapp themselves around the mint haired vampire's shoulders, pulling him back against their chest. Thinking it was either Jin or Namjoon, Yoongi leaned back against the cold being behind him as he cried. The only sound that could be heard between them was the sound of the rain and Yoongi's crying.

The one holding Yoongi began gently rocking him back and forth to try soothing him. It seemed to pain the male to see the mint haired vampire crying like this. Reaching up, the male gently pulled down Yoongi's soaked hood and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Please don't cry, hyung. I don't like seeing you cry."

Yoongi's eyes snapped open once he heard the voice of the being behind him. No way. It couldn't be. The vampire slowly turned around to look at the male behind him. Once he locked eyes with the person, he froze completely. His eyes wondered over the familiar features from the orange hair "I-Is this real..? Are you real..?"

The male smiled warmly, lifting one hand to gently brush his fingers against Yoongi's tear stained cheek. "Yes, hyung. It's real. I'm here."

"Jimin!" Feeling so very happy, Yoongi threw his arms around Jimin and hugged him tightly. He buried his face into the crook of Jimin's neck as he cried harder. After what seemed like forever, the mint haired vampire slowly pulled away. "H-How are you here? I-I thought I wasn't able to turn you."

A cute giggle escaped the boy's plump lips. He hugged Yoongi tightly, not wanting to let him go. Jimin gently rubbed Yoongi's back until the elder pulled back from the hug. The newly created vampire pressed their foreheads together. "The change took longer than expected. On the day of the funeral, Himchan hyung had taken my body out of my casket and watched over me until I had fully turned."

Yoongi peered into Jimin's eyes as his lover spoke. This was like a dream come true. He had never expected he would ever see Jimin again. Yet here he was, right in front of him. Yes, he was now a vampire, but that didn't matter to Yoongi. He was just happy to have his lover back. "I guess we owe Himchan hyung one."

"Yes, I guess we do." Jimin gazed into Yoongi's eyes a little longer before slowly leaning in closer. He brushed their lips together. "I love you, Yoongi hyung."

"I love you too, Jiminie." Closing the remaining gap between them, Yoongi pressed their lips together in a sweet loving kiss. Oh, how did the two of them missed this. This is what they both needed and wanted for so long. Now, they could finally have it again. Along with each other.

~ The End ~

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