Chapter XI

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For the next several weeks, it was becoming more difficult for Yoongi to be around Jimin. The scent of the boy's blood was stronger each time Yoongi was with him. In turn, it made it so difficult for Yoongi to resist the urge to bite the human. To make matters worse, Yoongi had indeed almost bitten Jimin, but managed to stop himself before he could. The boy had been fallen asleep on his shoulder when the two of them had went out to watch a movie. His neck was exposed and so tempting that it took every ounce of power and self-control Yoongi had to keep himself from biting the boy's neck. And to make matters even more worse, because of Yoongi's sudden interest in Jimin's blood, the vampire have been drinking more of Jin's blood to calm him down. It worked. Most of the time.

Yoongi would always apologize to Jin whenever he would ask for too much blood, or suddenly bite him out of nowhere. This was definitely stressing Yoongi out. He honestly didn't know what to do. He couldn't keep asking Jin for advice. Especially since the elder himself did not know what to do about all this.

The young vampire was pacing back and forth in his bedroom, trying to think of a way he could solve this. The first idea that came to mind was to stop seeing Jimin. That was definitely big no. Yoongi couldn't last one day without seeing the orange haired boy. He was fair to attached to him. The second idea that came to mind was to feed from another human. Which was another big no. Yoongi didn't want to ever harm a human being. No matter how hungry he was. And lastly, the third option. Which was to endure his blood thirst for as long as he could. Yoongi have looked through some of Namjoon's books, and found out if a newly turned vampire refuse to taste human blood, that vampire will grow weaker and weaker over time. That isn't what worried Yoongi. What worried him are one of the side effects of a newly turned vampire refusing to drink human blood. The vampire would become berserk. He or she would attack anything and anyone to satisfy their strong thirst for blood. Yoongi was afraid of that. What if he hurt Jin or one of the others? What if he attacked a innocent human being on the streets? What if he attacked Jimin?

A frustrated groaned escaped Yoongi's lips as he stopped his pacing, his delicate fingers tugging at his mint locks. Feeling so frustrated, the young vampire let out a yell and punched wall. Due to his great strength, a rather large hole was made in the wall. Thank goodness he was home alone at the moment. Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok had all went out to find poor innocent himans to feed on. Namjoon had offered Yoongi to tag along, to which the vampire declined. He was true to word to never harm an innocent human being. Needing some fresh air, Yoongi grabbed his black jacket and stormed out of the mansion. He needed to distract his mind. The first thing that came to mind was a certain beauty. Despite being afraid of harming the boy, Yoongi just couldn't stay away from Jimin.


Yoongi shakily knocked on the door and waited for a response. He knew that it was rather. So he wouldn't be surprised if Jimin was asleep. After several minutes, Yoongi turned to leave but stopped when he heard the sound of the door unlocking. Turning around, he saw a sleepy Jimin dressed in his pajamas. "Yoongi hyung..? It's late. Is everything okay?" Even the boy's tone was filled with sleep. Yoongi felt bad for waking the boy.

"I'm sorry for dropping by so late. I just needed to get out of the house. I'm sorry for waking you. I'll let you go back to sleep." Yoongi smiled lightly and turned to leave but was stopped when Jimin had grabbed the back of his jacket.

"You don't have to leave. Come inside. My mom and dad are away on business. So, it's just me." Jimin yawned cutely before giving the elder a sweet smile.

Yoongi felt his cheeks heat up a little and lightly rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, if you're sure." The vampire stepped inside of the house and removed his shoes by the door. Then, he walked over to the couch and sat down. Yoongi soon tensed up a little when Jimin had taken a seat beside him.

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