Chapter XXXI

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The next morning, Yoongi had woken up rather early, which was rather unusual for him since he loved sleeping and was rather lazy in the mornings. He glanced towards the clock for a second before getting out of bed. It was 8:05 AM. He still had enough time to eat breakfast with Jimin and Jin before having to take his boyfriend back home. The vampire wished the human could stay longer, but he didn't want to risk having his scent lingering throughout the mansion for a long period of time. Stepping into the bathroom, Yoongi washed up and got dressed in his usual black clothes before stepping out of his bedroom. He walked down the hallway towards Jimin's bedroom and lightly knocked on the door. "Jiminie. Are you awake?" He heard a small sound coming from inside the room. "I'm coming in."

Jimin groaned softly when morning had came. He wanted to sleep for a little bit longer. However, that couldn't happen especially when he heard the knock on the door. When he heard Yoongi's voice, the boy made a soft sound and turned in bed when his bedroom door opened. "Good morning, hyung. You're up really early." Jimin yawned then rubbed his eyes rather cutely.

Yoongi stepped over to the bed and sat down at the edge near the boy. "I have to take you home. We can hang out at your place if you like." Yoongi reached out his hand to brush some of Jimin's orange locks away from his face. "Do you want to eat breakfast here with Jin hyung, or do you want to eat once we get to your house?"

"We can eat breakfast here. I like Jin hyung's cooking. It's so good." Jimin stretched out his arms before shifting to get out of bed. "Let me go wash up then we can go down to eat some breakfast." Jimin honestly didn't want to leave the mansion, but understood that it wasn't a good idea for him to stay here longer than he was allowed to. At least he and Yoongi will be hanging out at his house. The boy stepped into the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready.

Yoongi watched Jimin step into the bathroom then glanced towards the bedroom window. A sudden eerie feeling began spreading through his body. There was something bothering him, but didn't know what. It felt like something bad was going to happen. Yoongi was hoping that wasn't the case. Lightly shaking his head, the vampire stood from the bed and walked over to the bedroom door to wait for his boyfriend.


Yoongi adjusted the strap of Jimin's bag over his shoulder as he and the boy stood by the front door with Jin. The three of them had just finished their breakfast a couple moments ago. "I'll see you later, Jin hyung. I'm going to hang out with Jimin at his house."

Jin looked at Yoongi, nodding his head once. "Alright Yoongi. Just make sure to be careful, and make sure to come home before dinner." The delicate vampire looked towards Jimin, and pulled the boy into his arms for a sweet hug. "It was nice having you over, Jimin. I hope to see you soon."

"Don't worry. You will see me soon, Jin hyung. Thank you for letting me sleep over. It was fun." Jimin smiled happily as he hugged Jin back tightly. After a moment, the boy pulled back and looked at his boyfriend. "Let's go, Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi nodded his head and opened the front doors. He allowed Jimin to step out first. Before he could step outside, he felt Jin grab his shoulder and didn't have to look at the elder to know why he was stopped. "I'll be careful, Jin hyung. Don't worry. I'll be back home before you know it."

Jin had a look of pure worry on his face as he looked at Yoongi. He almost wanted to tell the younger vampire to come back home as soon as possible. However, he knew he wished to spend time with Jimin. He just didn't want anything to happen to Yoongi or Jimin. He cared about the two of them so very much. "Alright. Please be careful. Make sure you come back."

Yoongi knew that Jin was worried about him, and he appreciated it greatly. Wanting to reassure the elder, Yoongi turned around and hugged him tightly. "I'm coming home. Don't worry."

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