Chapter XXXIII

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Once the door to the room closed, Jin turned to look at Namjoon and Hoseok. "We have to do something. We can't allow them to punish Yoongi. We have to do something."

"But, what can we do? We are against the council. If they wanted, they could have us punished too." Namjoon sat on the bed and folded his arms across his chest.

"He's right, Jin. In order for us to help Yoongi, we may have to use force." Hoseok leaned against one of the walls with a deep frown on his face. He crackled his knuckles, feeling angry over all of this.

"Hoseok, that is out of the question. If we try using force, that is just going to make things all the more worse." Namjoon glanced at Hoseok with a frown. "If we are going to help Yoongi, we have to do it right."

"Guys! I have a plan. Would you both just listen to me for a moment?" Jin folded his arms across his chest. When his lover and Hoseok both looked at him, the pretty vampire began speaking. "We can try convincing the council of not going through with Yoongi's punishment."

Namjoon blinked once he heard his boyfriend's plan. He wanted to convince the council not to perform the punishment? "How are we going to do that, my love? It is going to take a lot to convince the council to even consider the thought of not giving Yoongi his punishment."

"Namjoon is right. The elders are the ones who put the idea of relationships between vampires and humans forbidden. What makes you think they are actually going to let this slide?"

Jin pressed his lips into a tight line when he heard their words. Did they really think his plan wouldn't work? Did they not have confidence that Jin will be able to do it? Feeling a tad bit annoyed, the pretty vampire stomped his foot on the ground. "I know it may sound like a useless idea, but I believe it will work! If you two don't want to help me, then I will do this myself!"

Namjoon's eyes widened a little at his lover's outburst. Oh boy, Jin was annoyed. "Baby, we are just trying to be realistic here. The elders are not going to take this lightly. Yoongi committed the crime of falling for a human. In order for us to convince the council, we need to find someone else who had committed the same crime and use them as a sort of evidence."

Hoseok scuffed while rolling his eyes. "That's easier said than done. Where the hell are we going to find another vampire that had committed the same crime as Yoongi? As far as I know, he is the only vampire I've heard of that has fallen for a human."

Jin lowered his gaze for a moment in thought until he remembered something. There was another vampire whom was once in love with a human. And that vampire was going to be present at the punishment. This could be their chance to save Yoongi. "There is another vampire who once loved a human. I shall use that to my advantage."

"There is? Baby, are you sure? I've never heard of another vampire who was in love with a human before besides Yoongi."

"That's because this particular vampire has kept it a secret for centuries. No one else knows of it. No one other than that vampire and his human lover at the time." Jin looked at Namjoon and Hoseok. "The reason I know of this because that vampire had confided in me, and told me about it."

Hoseok perked an eyebrow at Jin's words before chuckling softly. "Well, I'll be damned. This could possibly work." The brunet leaned away from the wall and folded his arms across his chest. "Let's hope this plan works. If it does, then we will be able to bring Yoongi home in one piece."

"That is the outcome I am hoping for." Jin really hoped this plan of his would work. No. It will work. He will make it work. He is not going to allow anyone to harm Yoongi for simply finding someone to love. Even if Jimin is a human. Now that they had the planned worked out, now all they need to do is wait until it's time for the punishment to begin.

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