Chapter XL

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Knowing that he would probably be in the way, Jimin ran to the side to stay clear. His eyes shifted over to Jin and the others in the middle of the room. He was worried they would get hurt in the middle of Yoongi and Jaejoong's fight. Almost as if his mind was read, Jimin saw Jaejoong lightly wave his hand and caused a gust of strong wind to move the others over to where he was. Quickly, Jimin rushed over to them and knelt down beside Jin. "Jin hyung! Are you guys alright?" The boy's voice was laced with worry.

Jin groaned in pain, slowly lifting his head once he heard Jimin's voice. The pink haired vampire opened his eyes and looked at the orange haired boy. "Yeah. I'm okay. Just have a throbbing headache." Jin slowly sat up into a sitting position. It was then he noticed that Jimin was hurt. "Oh, no. Jimin, you're hurt!"

Jimin looked down at himself for only a second before returning his gaze to Jin. "I'm fine, Jin hyung. Don't worry about me. I'm more worried about you guys." A soft groan had caught Jimin's attention, causing the boy to look behind Jin to see Namjoon and Hoseok both sitting up. "Are you two alright?"

Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck as another groan escaped his lips. "Besides feeling a little sore, I'm fine."

"Yeah, same here." Hoseok chimed in. The brunet turned his head to his right at Himchan. The elder had shifted to lay on his back, a pained expression on his pretty face. "Himchan hyung, are you alright?"

Himchan slowly opened his eyes when he was spoken too. Turning his head to the side, the elder nodded once. "I am alright. Simply dealing a bit of pain." Out of the four of them, Himchan took most of the attacks in attempt to protect the others. It was his job to protect his kind from harm. It was his job and duty as an elder.

Jimin instantly became worried when he heard Himchan's words. Despite not knowing the elder vampire, the boy still worried about him. It was part of the boy's nature to be so caring and kind to people. Whether he knew them or not. "Are you sure?"

Himchan shifted his gaze over to Jimin and smiled softly. "Yes, I am. There is no need to worry little one." The elder vampire was rather surprised to see the young human worry about him. He thought he would be afraid of him or even angry at him for that matter. However, it was oddly comforting to see Jimin worry about him.

"Alright. If you're sure." Jimin looked between the four vampires, making sure each one of them were alright before flickering his gaze over to Jaejoong and Yoongi. The orange haired boy became scared when he saw Jaejoong lunged towards Yoongi and began swinging punches and kicks. Instantly, he became worried once again. "We need to help, Yoongi hyung." Jimin stood up to run over but stopped when Yunho had appeared in front of him.

"You will not interfere. If you try, you will have to answer to me." The vampire glared at Jimin, pointing the tip of his blade at him.

Jimin gulped silently and nodded once. It frustrated him with Yunho blocking his way from stopping the fight between Jaejoong and Yoongi. The orange haired boy felt himself being pulled back when Yunho had pointed his blade at him.

Seeing Yunho pointing his blade at Jimin, Jin reacted quickly and grabbed the boy. The pink haired vampire pulled the human against him and held him close. "We understand, Yunho hyung. Now please lower your blade." Jin was relieved when the ex-human indeed lowered the blade. His eyes flickered towards Jaejoong and Yoongi, feeling worried about the possibly ending result of this fight.

Yoongi jumped back and dodged most of Jaejoong's attacks. This was something he wasn't used too. He had not fought with anyone since his was first turned when Hoseok was teaching him how to use his new found strength. It didn't help that the mint haired vampire was fighting against an elder vampire. Someone who was much stronger than he was. While Yoongi was dodging the attacks, he found himself glancing over to where Jimin and the others were. That was a mistake. The next thing the vampire knew, he received a hard kick in the stomach and was sent flying backwards, his back slamming against a wall. A pained groan left his lips, one of his eyes closing from the pain.

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