Chapter XIV

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"But, Yoongi hyung~! Do you have to go?" Jimin pouted cutely, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around Yoongi's slime waist. He didn't want the elder to leave just yet. The two of them had just gotten home after spending a little bit more time at the park. After the boy had pleased the vampire, the two of them had laid underneath the shade tree, talking about random things.

Yoongi laughed lightly as he ruffled Jimin's hair. "I know you don't want me to go, but I have too Jimin. I need to return home before I make the others worry." Of course, by the others, he had meant Jin and Namjoon. Yoongi honestly though Hoseok would never miss him. He actually thought the elder wanted him gone. At least, that is what it seemed like to Yoongi. Leaning down, the vampire placed a kiss on Jimin's forehead. "I will see you tomorrow. I promise."

"Really? You promise we will see each other tomorrow?" The boy looked at the elder with hopeful eyes. Jimin wanted to see Yoongi every single day. However, what he wished for the most was for Yoongi to stay with him all day and night. He never wanted the vampire to leave his side. Jimin knew that he was quick developing feelings for Yoongi. He wondered if the vampire felt the same way about him.

"Yes, I promise. I will come see you tomorrow. You have my word." Yoongi was definitely going to keep his promise to Jimin. He wanted to see the boy every chance he had. He really came to enjoy the boy's company. Hell, Yoongi thought he was beginning to experience strong feelings for the human. However, if that was the case, Yoongi would get into a lot of trouble if other vampires found out. It was forbidden for vampires and humans to be together. Just him spending time with Jimin like this could get him into trouble.

"Okay. I will hold you to that promise, hyung." Jimin leaned up a little to brush their lips together. "Let's seal the promise with a kiss. I will hold your kiss as the promise."

A soft smile appeared on Yoongi's face, his head nodding a little. Closing the tiny gap between them, Yoongi kissed Jimin gently. His arms wrapped around the boy's waist, pulling him close to his chest.

Jimin felt his heart flutter within his chest once their lips were connected together. Lifting his arms, the boy wrapped his around the Yoongi's neck. Slowly, Jimin began meshing their lips together sweetly. The human boy was feeling so happy right  now. Just kissing Yoongi like this made him feel happy and safe. He didn't want to feel this with no one else. After a couple more moments, Jimin felt Yoongi pull back, and whined cutely.

Yoongi didn't want to leave Jimin right now. He wanted to stay here with the boy, to hold him, and kiss him all day and night. Yoongi was definitely falling for Jimin, and hard. He didn't want anything to happen to the orange haired beauty. He wanted to keep him safe. And he was going to do just that. He was going to make sure the boy he was falling for never got hurt. After a moment, Yoongi pulled away from the kiss and chuckled softly when Jimin whined. "I have to go now, Jiminie. I will see you tomorrow." Giving the boy peck on the lips, the vampire walked away from the front porch to make his way back to his own home. While walking, he began smiling softly as he thought about Jimin. The boy really was taking over every part of his mind, and Yoongi didn't mind one bit.


((Abuse / trigger warning))

What Yoongi didn't expect was to hear complete silence when he arrived home. He had expected to hear Jin moving around in the kitchen, Namjoon working in his study, and Hoseok yelling about where he was. But, the vampire heard none of that. And, that worried him greatly. "Guys?" He called, walking over to the living room, seeing no one. It was the same in the kitchen, and Namjoon's study. Yoongi chewed his lower lip with one of his fangs as he walked up the stairs. The silence was beginning to make him feel very uneasy. He didn't like it. When he approached his bedroom, Yoongi reached out to turn the knob, but before he could he felt a strong force hitting in the back of his head. His vision blacked out and he collapsed onto the floor.

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