Chapter XXIII

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The next morning, Jin was up early. He wanted to speak with Jimin before Yoongi did. He had a feeling the other vampire would be spending the day with the human boy. Before leaving the mansion, the delicate vampire had cooked some breakfast himself and Yoongi. After eating his, he wrapped up Yoongi's food and placed it into the microwave. He also wrote Yoongi a note telling him where his breakfast was. Once that was all done, Jin stepped out of the mansion, and made his way into town. He didn't know where Jimin's house was, but he knew the boy's scent fairly well thanks to Yoongi and Namjoon. So it didn't take Jin long to find Jimin's house. Knowing that it was still fairly early, Jin wondered if the boy was still sleeping. There was one way to find out. Jin knocked on the front door and waited for a response. As he waited, he began thinking over what he was going to say to the boy. Of course, this will be his first time meeting Jimin. He hoped the boy wouldn't be too freaked out over seeing a stranger knocking at his door. Jin knocked again on the door, this time a little louder. With no response coming from inside the house, Jin was going to give up. However, the door soon opened to reveal a sleepy Jimin. "Ah, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you from your sleep."

Jimin yawned a little as he rubbed one of his eyes. "It's alright. Jimin yawned a little as he rubbed one of his eyes. "It's alright. Don't worry. You're Jin hyung right?"

"Yes. I'm so glad you remember me." Jin smiled warmly at Jimin. "I know it's late, but there is something I need to speak to you about."

Jimin blinked a couple times when he heard what the beautiful man said. Jin hyung needed to speak to him about something? What could he need to speak to him about? He wondered if everything was alright.

"So, would it be alright if we can speak? There is a favor I wish to ask of you regarding Yoongi. It's very important." Jin hoped Jimin would help him with the favor.

Jimin blinked, tilting his head a little. "Is everything alright? Come in. Would it be alright if you wait in the living room while I wash up?" The boy was becoming rather worried. He wondered what favor Jin needed to ask him. He hoped everything was alright with Yoongi. When Jin had stepped inside of the house, Jimin closed the door and rushed upstairs towards his bedroom. It didn't take him long to wash up and dress himself. He walked down the stairs and stepped into the living room where Jin was waiting for him. "Sorry for taking so long. So, what is the favor you want to ask me?"

Jin sat on the couch as he waited for Jimin to get washed up. When the boy stepped into the living room, the vampire have him a gentle smile. "There is no need to apologize. It's completely fine. Well, regarding the favor, there is something I need to ask. Are you aware what Yoongi is?"

Jimin took a seat beside Jin, his small hands gently resting on his lap. "You mean if I know he is a vampire? Yes. I know he is. He told me, after I figured it out." Jimin hoped Jin didn't mind Jin knowing about Yoongi being a vampire. Suddenly, a thought came to mind. "You're a vampire too, aren't you?"

Jin smiled warmly, nodding his head a little. "Yes, I am. You are a clever boy. We always make sure no one finds out what we are. We know our existence isn't very welcomed by humans. Majority are afraid of us."

"I'm not afraid you you guys. I think it's amazing how there are other species out there besides humans."

"Well, it is comforting to know there are open minded humans like you, Jimin. Thank you. Now I know why Yoongi seems to be so drawn to you." Jin giggled lightly once a blush had dusted over Jimin's cheeks. This boy really was adorable. "Now, the favor I need from you is quite big. I need you to convince Yoongi over something."

"Convince him? Sure. What do you need for me to convince for? Is there something wrong with Yoongi hyung?" Jimin was becoming worried.

"You know that a vampire is required to drink blood to survive. Well, human blood to be more precise. Without himan blood, it could lead to many things. Each more fatal than the last." Jin shifted a little in his seat to make himelf a little more comfortable as he spoke. "Currently, Yoongi is refusing to drink human blood. So, he is resorting to drinking mine. It is not very advised for vampires to drink one another's blood. It is looked down upon by other vampires. No one knows of this besides you know. I do not want Namjoon and Hoseok to know of this. It would not be good."

Jimin didn't say a word as he listened to Jin speak. He had read it wasn't good for vampires not to drink from one another. He had been curious one day, and read up on vampires after finding out that Yoongi was one. "So, Yoongi hyung needs human blood, but he doesn't want to drink it? Is there a reason for that?"

Jin sighed softly. "Yes. There is a reason. However, it is not my place to tell you the reason. Yoongi needs to be the one to tell you. When the time is right, I'm sure he will tell you. But for now, make sure he does not become aware of you knowing this. He will not be happy."

"Don't worry, Jin hyung. I will make sure he doesn't find out." Jimin loosely folded his arms across his chest. "So, I guess you wish for me to convince him about drinking human blood or something?"

"You are a smart boy. That is the favor I ask of you. I am aware Yoongi does it wish to drink human blood, but it is needed. He needs to drink it before it is too late." Jin noticed Jimin grow uneasy from his words.

"Before it's too late? What would happen if Yoongi hyung doesn't drink human blood?" Jimin was almost afraid to hear the answer, but at the same time, he wanted to know.

Jin sighed heavily, averting his gaze as he thought of how to say this. He knew this was going to upset Jimin, but the boy needed to know. It was the only way to make sure Yoongi won't suffer the consequences. "If Yoongi does not drink human blood, he could die."

"He could die? But vampires are immortal. How can they die?" Jimin was genuinely confused right now. How could Yoongi die if he wasn't even human? This doesn't make sense to the human boy.

"Yoongi is a special type of vampire. I cannot tell you why because he must be the one to tell you. But, I really need you to convince him to drink human blood. He doesn't listen to me nor Namjoon, but I know he will listen to you, Jimin. You are special and I can tell Yoongi would do anything for you. Please Jimin, can you do this for me? I don't want anything to happen to Yoongi. He is special and he means a lot to me." Jin reached out to gently take the boy's small hands into his own. "Please."

Jimin bit his lower lip. What should he do? He wanted to help Jin. If it involved Yoongi, then he would do anything for the vampire. He was in love with him, and wanted to keep him safe. The human lowered his gaze in thought when his hands were grabbed by Jin. After much thought, the orange haired boy looked at the pretty vampire with a smile. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll help you, Jin hyung."

Jin felt a wave of relief wash over him when Jimin had agreed to help him. Not being able to help himself, the vampire wrapped his arms around the boy and hugged him tightly. "Thank you. Thank you so much, Jimin."

The orange haired beauty was taken by surprise when Jin had hugged him. He smiled softly and returned the hug. Much like Yoongi, Jin was ice cold, but that didn't stop him from hugging the elder. "There is no need to thank me. It is the least I could do to help Yoongi hyung." Jimin already had a few things in mind to convince Yoongi to drink human blood. But, he wasn't entirely sure if it would work. It was worth a shot.

"You are a angel, Jimin. I am in your debt."

"Don't worry, Jin hyung. I am just happy I can be of help."

"Thank you. Now, let please do everything you can to convince Yoongi. I know it will be a challenge considering how stubborn he is. But, I have faith you can do it."

"I can. I can see how stubborn Yoongi hyung is, but I believe I have a few ways to break that. I won't let you down."

"You are a good boy, Jimin. Please. Help Yoongi. If there is anyone who can do it, it's you." Jin gave Jimin one more tight hug before pulling back. "I must go now, but keep in touch with me to inform me how things are going."

"I will. I promise I will do my best, Jin hyung. I don't want Yoongi hyung to die." Just thinking about losing Yoongi caused Jimin's heart to ache terribly. He didn't want to lose the either. So he was going to do everything in his power to make sure Yoongi won't suffer the consequences. And he already knew what the first plan will be. He just hope one of his plans will work. If not, he would have to resort to something else. Something that was highly embarrassing, but something that could possibly get the job done.

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