Chapter XXXIX

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Jimin whimpered softly as he curled up on the bed, his arms wrapping around himself. His eyes were shut tight, another whimper leaving his plump lips as another wave of pain shot through his body. He could heard the faint sounds of shuffling on the far right side of the bedroom. Was it over? Would Jaejoong leave him alone now. Jimin had fallen asleep earlier when Jaejoong had left. The boy hadn't meant to, but he was so tired. So, he had fallen asleep. However, he had been awaken about an hour later to Jaejoong stepping back inside of the room. And much to Jimin's horror, the vampire had began beating him. With each struck he was given, the pain had grew and grew. When he was getting beaten, Jimin had taken noticed that Jaejoong was angry over something considering many profanities were leaving his lips each time he had struck Jimin.

Now that the vampire was done, Jaejoong seemed to have calmed down. He adjusted his clothes and ran his fingers through his hair. His eyes shifted towards Jimin when he heard a pain whimper from the boy. "You poor thing. It would seem like I was a little too rough. I almost forgot how fragile you humans are." Jaejoong soon shifted his gaze towards the window when the scent of other vampires caught his attention. "Well, it would seem like your knight in shining armor has arrived. I shall go greet them. Then, we shall get you ready for the final act." Jaejoong turned and left the bedroom, leaving Jimin injured and in pain on the bed.

Once he was alone, Jimin allowed his tears to fall. One of his small hands gripped onto the bedspread tightly as his body throbbed with pain. He hated this. He wanted to go home. He wanted Yoongi. When Jaejoong had said that Yoongi was here, a wave of relief had washed over the injured boy. "Yoongi hyung...please hurry..."


Yoongi looked at the large mansion that stood before him. So, this was where Jaejoong was keeping Jimin captive. He and the others had just arrived after having followed Hoseok here. It seemed like the other vampire really did know where Jimin was being held captive. "Hoseok, you are certain that Jimin is here?" Yoongi turned his gaze to look at the brunet beside him.

Hoseok nodded once, his hands stuffed within his pockets. "Yes. He is definitely here. I can smell his scent. It is faint, but I know he is here."

"Well, if he really is here, then we have to hurry and get him back. The poor thing must be so scared." Jin looked at the mansion and suddenly titled his head to the side. Wait a minute. He recognized this place. But, how? He doesn't recall ever coming to this place before. So, why does this place seem so familiar?

"So, this is where Jaejoong resides with his lover? I knew he and Yunho had their own private home, but I did not imagine it would be here." Himchan said as he took a step forward until he was standing beside Jin. The elder had convinced the others to allow him to come along with them. Despite being an elder, Himchan was feeling a tad bit worried about Jimin. He knew of the hidden insane personality of Jaejoong's. He knew the other elder would have random fits of rage and hurt anything he wanted until he has calmed down.

"Have you've seen this place before, Himchan hyung?" Namjoon asked, turning his attention to look at the elder.

"Yes. This was once the previous home of the council. We have lived here for centuries until we fled the area for a new home. Since then, I have thought this place was left abandoned since. Never would I have thought Jaejoong would return to call this place his home once again." Himchan loosely folded his arms across his chest, a sudden frown appearing on his pretty face. "I feel something a little off. Do be careful everyone."

Yoongi had kept his eyes on the home, searching the outside for any possible sign of Jimin. When he couldn't find any, he instantly became worried. The mint haired vampire turned to look at the others. "Let's go. I been to get Jimin back. I'm going to make Jaejoong pay for taking him."

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