Chapter XVIII

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((Smut Warning~))

Once the bedroom door had closed, Yoongi didn't waste time in playfully pushing Jimin against the wall. He connected their lips in a rough yet loving kiss. His cold hands immediately reached out to begin touching along Jimin's body. The vampire loved how delicate yet toned the human boy's body was. He couldn't wait to see Jimin naked. The simple thought of that turned the vampire on.

Jimin instantly began kissing Yoongi back when the vampire had connected their lips together. A shiver running down his spine once he felt Yoongi's cold hands roaming along his body. Wanting to touch the vampire in return, the human reached out his hands to begin running them along Yoongi's chest. One hand trailed downward while the other moved up to tangle his small fingers into those mint locks. A sudden moan escaped into the kiss when Yoongi had gripped onto his plumb butt. Jimin really liked that.

Yoongi smirked into the kiss, gripping onto Jimin's butt a little more firmly. He really liked how plump and toned Jimin's butt was. It made Yoongi want to grope and squeezed every chance he had. Wanting to have more contact with the human boy, Yoongi pushed his hips forward to press their crotches together. When Jimin had gasped, the vampire slid his tongue inside of the boy's hot cavern. Instantly, his tongue began brushing against every part of Jimin's mouth while slowly beginning to grind their hips together.

The room was beginning to feel rather hot as Jimin enjoyed the feeling of Yoongi's tongue inside of his mouth, along with their hips grinding against each other. Being rather bold, Jimin pushed his tongue against Yoongi's, tangling them together in a battle of tongues. His small fingers gripped onto Yoongi's hair a little, pulling the elder closer to deepen the kiss. The boy was loving this, but he was already wanting more. He wanted Yoongi to take him to the bed and have sex with him. Wanting to show that, Jimin began grinding his hips harder and his fingers gripped onto the mint locks a little tighter.

Yoongi groaned softly into the kiss when Jimin had began grinding their hips harder together, and grip his hair a little tighter. The vampire got the hint, but wanted to tease the boy a little. He gripped onto Jimin's butt a little more before trailing his hands lower. Gripping onto the back of the boy's thighs, Yoongi hoisted Jimin up and pressed their bodies more tightly together. He was pleased when the human had wrapped his lovely legs around his waist.

When he was picked up, Jimin moved his hands to grip onto the vampire's shoulders. He instantly wrapped his slender legs wrapped Yoongi's waist. Jimin felt the burning need for air, and pulled away from their passionate kiss. Heavy pants left the boy's plump, swollen lips as the vampire had begun kissing his neck. "H-hyung...please."

Yoongi leaned in to begin kissing Jimin's neck after the kiss was broken. Hearing Jimin's heavy pants near his ear turned the vampire on all the more. A deep chuckle escaped Yoongi's lips upon hearing the boy's plea. He trailed his lips up to playfully  nibble on the boy's ear with one of his fangs. "Tell hyung what you want, Jiminie?"

Jimin shivered in delight, his delicate fingers gripping onto the vampire's shoulders. His heart was pounding so loudly in his chest, as his body was growing hotter by the second. When Yoongi's question, a cute whine escaped Jimin's sinful lips. "I-I want y-you to fuck me, hyung..." Jimin felt his cheeks become bright red just by saying that, but it is what he wanted so bad.

Another deep chuckle escaped Yoongi's lips once Jimin stated what he wanted. "Good boy. Hyung is going to make you feel so good." Gripping onto Jimin's lovely thighs, Yoongi stepped away from the wall and carried Jimin over to the bed. The vampire gently laid the human onto the bed, hovering over him. Once he had the boy on the bed, Yoongi began removing their clothes.

Jimin was pleased when he was carried over to the bed. With the elder hovering over top of him, Jimin began helping the vampire in removing their clothing until the both of them were completely bare. Jimin allowed his eyes to wonder over Yoongi's body, biting his lower lip. God, he thought the vampire was so sexy and attractive. He was slender yet toned in all the right places. Not being able to help himself, the boy reached out his hands to touch the vampire's chest and stomach.

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