Chapter 1

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Amy's POV:

My name is Amelia Popageta Rosette but for my friends just Amy. Im one of the legendary Freedome fighters and you surely heard about me. No? Really? No one ever heard of me? The hammer of the team? Still no clue? oh...

Well, if you dont me I dont have to say who I am. *sigh* Sorry. Its just that I felt weird around the others lately. Whenever we are in public they act like they dont know me. But they are my friends after all right. Ok, I am 13 years old and Im a pink headgehog. My skill is my Piko-piko hammer and I have a big crush at the leader of the Freedome fighters: Sonic The Hedgehog. He was the only one who always said in public that I was his best friend. Well, except Tails. I felt special around him. He makes me feel special. We have fun together and he has fun too. Im not like a stalker and I give him space. And to be honest I dont like Sally. Yeah, she is a great friend but she is always around Sonic and gives him kisses. Its not like they are dating. they...?

Anyway, I was in my pink house and laid on my pink bed while I watched my pink window and was calling with my pink phone.

?????: Aww common, Amy! I really miss you and Cream too! Please come back!

Amy: You know my answer. I cant leave my friends here. They would miss me.

?????: Could you atleast think about it?

Amy: *sigh* Ok, we will see, but I think no. I go now! Bye!

?????: Bye, Amy!

I laid my phone on my pink night table and just stared at my window. Should I go? Or should I stay? Maybe Sonic can help me. Yes, he always helps me. So, I quickly stood up from my bed and put on my red-white sneakers and my headband and headed to my front door. As I walked outside I felt like it would be a great day. I bet that Sonic was in Tails'workshop so I headed there.

I already saw Tails'workshop as I heard loud music. It was disco-music and I thought it was a carneval celebration or so. I went near the workshop and saw really shiny lights coming out. I didnt knew what was going on so I looked through a window and gasped. No....

There was a huge Banner where was written 'Happy 60 Anniversary Freedome FIghters!!'. They celebrated? Without me? But Im a Freedome Fighter too! I felt like I was gonna cry but I held in my tears. I went to the door and sneaked inside.

I pushed me through the room but as I was halfway through I heard a fämilliar name. I turned around saw a yellow mongoose and a brown bunny (not Cream) chatting and laughing at each other.

"Did you heard about the fight yesterday? Everyone is talking about this Amy-girl!" I was happy at that moment cause it was the first time someone was talking about me. Maybe the others will finally see me like a Freedome Fighter!

"Yeah, I heard about her. This little, weak and ugly thing....." Now my heart stopped. People didnt talked about me in awe, they were laughing at me! "I feel sorry for Sonic that he has always to save her! To his luck he has a girlfriend like Sally!" I couldnt breath anymore. Sonic and Sally were dating?! I knew it... "Why was Amy not here, again?" I heard everything clearly and was interested about this topic too.

"Khan said that Nicole shouldnt tell her about this here. He said she is not really a part of us and she doesnt belong here. He said that she is only in the team coz she is a friend of Sonic"I was about to sob and was panicily looking for Tails or Sonic. But this just made everything worse.

I saw in a corner something that I will never forget. Sonic and Sally kissing. ANd Sonic seems to enjoy it. I was too blind to see it. He never liked me like I liked him. I sobbed. No one saaw me sneaking out again and I ran as fast as I could. How could they all?! I thought they were my friends!!! All my life was a lie!!

I ran to my house and locked and slammed the door behind me. I fell to the floor and sobbed. I was a child. I have to grow up and see the reality. I lived in my own fantasy and I have to wake up! My eyes wouldnt stop crying even when they were burning. As I opened my eyes I saw this mess. Everywhere you look pictures of me and my so called 'friends'. I suddendly stopped crying, stood up and went up to all of them. I waited for one second before I whacked them all with ym hammer.

"I should have never trust you..." I whispered to myself as I watched all the shattered pictures. My mood went from sad to anger. I went upstairs to my room and looked around. How childish I was. Everywhere you look is pink. Then I went up to the mirror that stood in the middle of my room and looked at myself. Even my clothes were childish. No wonder no one ever liked me. I was weak. Im not as strong as Sally and Im not a princess like her. Im not like her, and no one will ever like me. But then I remembered three people who I trust with my full heart.

I went up to my night table and grabbed me phone. I waited two minutes till I finally heard the voice I waited for.

Amy: Lucie? Im coming....


Hi! This is my first chapter of my new story. I know Im not the best writer but Im doing my best! I hope you liked it!

Bye, Bye!

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