Chapter 27

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Sonic's POV:

"I cant locate them on the whole planet. This is weird. Its like they dissapeared into another world!" meant Tails frustrated. I had my head in my hands not wanting to let the others know that I had tears in my eyes. Amy couldnt be gone like that. I know her very well and she would atleast give us a sign!

"What are we gonna do now?!" cried Manic out.

"First of all, we need to chill. We will figure something out!" I said even when my mind said something else.

"Sonic is right, we need to be strong." said Tails and everybody nodded. Cream was still sitting on a rock far away from us, frustrated and her face full of tears.

"AMY?!" We all turned our heads to hear as she spoke into her communicater. "W-w-where are you?!" We all runned up to her and jostled to see Amy's face. And really, there was she. She had a frown on her face and beside her was standing my sister.

"Cream! Thank god you picked up!" She sighed in relief and saw her standing next to...MEPHILES?!

"WHAT IS MEPHILES DOING WITH YOU?!" I yelled and showed him my fist.

"Calm down, sonic! He is friendly!" She said but i didnt believed her.

"FRIENDLY?!" I yelled more angry and Amy rolled her eyes.

"Here we go again..." She groaned and I didnt exactly knew what she meant.

"Where are you? We cant locate you!" asked Tails confused and Amy sighed.

"That's because we arent in your dimension anymore. Mephiles sent us here, where Mephiles is the good one and Im the villian." explained Amy and in the corner of the communicator I saw me standing there? Was I really looking that good?

"How are we supposed to get you outta there?!" I asked her with worry.

"We will find a way, till then we will stay here and you will contuine on looking for the emeralds, alright?" She asked as we nodded.

"How long will it takes for you to get back?" I asked her again, not wanting to wait for her too long.

"I dont know. It can take days, weeks, months or maybe years." Years?! I couldnt bear anoother few years without Amy! "I need to go now, See you soon!"

"No, no, wait!" I wanted to talk with her but the screen was black. Why did this had to happen. I will get my revenge on Mephiles! He will not survive this time!

"I swear, Im gonna kill Eggman for getting away with my ice cream..."


Hey guys! I know this chapter was short but I dont have many time lately. I have to go to the doctor often and everything else.

I would like you to give me ideas for the story so I can contuine easier. Just send me a message and you know the rest.

I hope you will help me and have a good day!


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