Chapter 25

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Amy's POV:

My head ached so much. It was like I couldnt move. The last thing I saw was light. I felt my body shaken as it felt like we were gonna be flying to another place.


I groaned as my body fell onto a hard ground. Why is this always happening to me?! I slowly opened my Eyes to see that I wasnt there where I was supposed to be. My friends were laying there unciounous. Did Mephiles did that? Oh hes so dead!

But where were Cream?! And Sonic?!- I mean only Cream! The half of my people werent with us. They must be still at the casino! I need to save them! They cant survive a day without me! If something would happen to Cream I would never forgive myself. Or my real sister! She is with Cream too! But I have to help the others first!

I ran over to Nebula's Body and slolwy shook her. She was still breathing. She only had one scratch so she wasnt that injured. She opened her eyes and looked at me confused.

"Amy? What happened? Where are we?" she asked me and looked around. I looked around myself and saw that we were in the woods. I was used to be in the woods but not here.

"I dont know where we are. Mephiles sent us here." I said and looked at Kathy who shaked in her sleep. I ran up to her and held her in my arms. She was so cold. She had gritted teeths and I had no idea what her problem was. I shook her but she wont wake up. "Kathy? Kathy!! Wake up!" I tried and tried but she would only scream with her eyes shut. I looked to ther others who were woken up by Nebula and they looked worried at us. "We need to heal her!" I told them.

"How? We dont even know where we are!" meant Ched with worry in his eyes and his gaze at the sleeping Kathy.

"There is only one way to find out!" meant Sonia and stood up. I really liked her, but the bad part is that she is Sonic's sister.

"Ched, could you please carry Kathy?" I asked him and he nodded as he picked Kathy up, who was still groaning and struggling. I was worried about her. I was thinking about what Mephiles said. Their blood is the same. He can control her. He can see wherever we go. She is danger for us. But she is our friend, we cant let her down like that. We cant let her be without her sister, who was somewhere. I sighed as I thought about the others. Cream, Lucy, Sonic- uh, I mean- Oh god damnit Amy! You know you miss him! Yes, I was worried about him.

"This place seems so fämilliar..." mumbled Mina as I looked around. She was right. I saw this wood before. Were our camp?! I saw all our tents there and the base. But the flag where normally a black rose onit was was now a face that looked like...MEPHILES?!?!

"G-g-guys...I dont like this place..." meant Rouge scared as I scoffed her off.

"Thats MY camp! Where is the problem?"I asked and walked over to where my tent was. The others were following me as I went through it and my eyes widened. Mephiles was standing right there in my tent!!!!

He turned to me and had a shocked face. Why was he so shocked at the first place? He sent us here!!!

"Guairds!! Amelia is Attacking!! HELP!!" He screamed and hid behind a chair. What the F*ck is happening here? Suddendly Ched and Jack came in. Wait, two Cheds?! Is this all a weird dream! Yeah, I must have hit my head very bad!

"What are you doing Ched?! Im your cousin!!" I screamed as he grabbed me. My friends were just standing there...shocked.

"I know, and Im very ashamed!" He said loudly and Nebula came up to him.

"Let her go, whoever you are!" meant Nebula with her death glare.

"What do you mean, whoever I am?" He asked Nebula who now looked at the Ched who was holding Kathy in his arms, who was still groaning. The Ched that was holding me loosed his grip out of shock.

"What the Heck is happening here?!" asked Mephiles who came out of his hideout and stared at us. "Why arent you scared of her?" asked Mephiles my friends as he pointed to me.

"Why should we be scared of her? She is our friend!" responsed Ched and Mephiles'eyes widened.

"Why did you sent us here?!" I yelled at him and he seemed confused. "You cant steal my clan like that!" I yelled even more loudly.

"I have no clue what you are talking about! This clan always belonged to Mephiles!" hissed Jack and the weird Mephiles came up to me to look into my eyes. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to kick him but I couldnt figure out what was happening her.

"Call Cream, please." My eyes widened even more. He had kidnapped Cream?! Why was he such a villian?! I swear if she is hurt Im gonna kill him!

Then the happy, cream colored Rabbit I love so much came in. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

"You're okay! I was so worried about you!!!" I told her but as I looked into her face there was frightened. She was afraid of me?

"W-w-what is Amelia doing here?" Cream never called me Amelia! Whats wrong with her! We were best friends since we were 2!

"We have no idea. But she is acting weird like you could feel the moment before. We want you to find out whats going on here!" told Mepphiles and I looked at Cream with sad eyes. Why was she acting like this? She looked at me in the eyes. Very deep in the eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked me and I had tears in the eyes.

"Cream, its me! Amy! Dont you remember?! Im the leader of the Black Rose Rebbillion!! We were Best friends since we were 2 years old! Dont you remember all the good times we had?!" I yelled at her as tears streamed down my cheeks. I didnt knew what was going on but I didnt liked it. She looked at me with shocked eyes and a tear rolled down her cheek. I saw Sonia hugging Rouge's waist as Kathy was still screaming.

"Sir, I think I know what is going on." She told Mephiles who looked at her with curious eyes. "They're coming from another dimension..."

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