Chapter 42

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Amy's POV:

After some time floating in the air, I felt my body becoming an item again. I saw the others floating beside me, every person with their fur color as color. So I saw Sonic next to me and I swear if we would have a face he would have smiled at me. I still dont know what to do with him. Yes, I still was in love with him, but....its complicated. I dont even know my own feelings actually.

Then, as we slowly reached the ground, my feets appeared again aswell as my other bodyparts. It took quite a time till everybody was back to normal as Kathy was looking around wildly.

"WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE IS EMI?!" We looked around aswell, but all we saw was a grren field and a building that looked like a castle from far apart.

"That's weird. We should be with her now. Did someone think of something different than her?" We all began to look at Knuckles.

"What? I didnt think of Ice Cream! I swear! Maybe a little bit." As I was going to attack him, but as soon as I was gonna run, we heard panting and loud footsteps. We all looked to the direction where the castle was standing and we saw Emi, covered in blood and tired in the face. As soon as she saw us, she ran up to Kathy and hugged her tight.

"G-g-guys! How did you all find me?" She asked us all as we pointed to Tails, who was smiling proudly.

"But, what happened to YOU?! They hurt you, didnt they?! IM GONNA KILL THEM!!" Suddendly Kathy was all right. She was so weak before and now, just because of the love towards her sister, she is fine and full of energy. So sweet.

"Yes, but that isnt the only thing they did! Mephiles and Eggman locked the king away in the castle's basement and even turned the guairds into Zombies! They will attack the whole kingdom soon if we dont do something about it!" she panicked as I went over to her and laid my hand on her shoulder.

"We will go back to the camp first, it isnt that far away from here, and you should rest. Knuckles will carry you. We will figure out something, dont worry." I said with a smile. "And besides, we got all the seven chaos emeralds now, right? Im sure we will beat Mephiles to the ground!"

"AND TIMBUKTU!!" screamed Kathy making us all chuckle. She is 16, yet so unmature.

At The Camp:

Every person in my camo cheered as we arrived. Many childrens hugged me and gave me flowers and womans were shaking my hands. I swear I saw Sonic smiling at me. But as soon as the happy moment was over, I had to be serious. I weont on top of a table and everybody looked at me.

"Listen up, everybody! Some of you already heard that Mephiles has taken over the castle!" The most of the people infront of me were in shock and one kid began to cry. "It wont take long till he will attack the whole kingdom but I have an idea! I need every healthy men and woman! We will fight against them and save as much people as we can! But first: We bring all the injured, weak adults and the kids to the secret basement at the end of the forest! I dont want to loose any of you! So, WHO IS WITH ME?!" I screamed and everyone raised their hands in the air and smirked.

"YEAH!!" I saw Sonic, even Sally raising their hands and I began to smile. It was such a good feeling, knowing you got people by your side.


At The castle:

Mephile's POV:

"Your highness, you got a message from..." One of my zombie guairds appeared infront of me while holding a paper. I sat on my throne with my usual frown, with the fat idiot beside me on a chair, staring like a rodent. "...From the Black Rose clan...." My eyes widened as I snatched the paper out of his hand, facing him and sending him away.

'Dear "King" Mephiles,

we, the black Rose clan want to chellenge you, the king of Rosetal, and have a good fight. Just the Black Rose clan and you and your army. We would be honored if you would appear. We will have the fight tomorrow at noon at the opening of the forest.

See you soon. 

Amy Rose, Black Rose clan leader.'

"THAT CANT BE!! I SENT HER INTO A DIFFERENT DIMENSION!! HWO WAS SHE MANAGED TO COME BACK?!" I screamed and grabbed Eggman by his shirt before throwing him somewhere in the room.


...Challenge accepted...

...Amy Rose..."

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