Chapter 11

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Amy's POV:

He is here. He is really here! I was so happy to see Sonic but I couldnt show him that. He broke my heart but I was still in love with him. I never told anyone but the feeling is still there. But then I saw the others and my expression went to sad and anger. I wanted to leave that moment as fast as I could so I told them I have to do my job and left.

I actually liked as Sonic spinned me around but I havent saw him in 6 years and well...its just hard to believe. I have changed a lot and I cant change back just because my crush is here. I sat there at my secret place and thought about everything. I was weak. Even today I was weak. My biggest fear was it to be friends with them again or get together with Sonic. It is a good thought but they could break me again. I want them to leave but even not.

"I knew you would be here." I turned around and saw Cream coming up to me. She sat beside me and I didnt looked at her. "This sonic guy just talks about you, you know." My eyes widened a bit and I looked at her shocked and a smirk crossed her lips. So I turned around again with a blush on my face and tried to stand cool.

"Who cares..." I said and crossed my arms around my chest.

"Its ok that you love him..." My eyes widened once again but I didnt looked at her.

"I dont love him...he is just...a friend..." I tried hard to not stutter as I said this words. Of course I wanted to be more than friends but he would never feel the same so Im hiding it.

"If you say so!" I saw her shrugging but still smirking to me. "And you wont believe me what Nebula just told me!" Then I turned my head to her again, interested in what she was gonna tell me. "She said she met this guy...She said he was a red-black Hedgehog!" Shadow! Yeah, I havent seen him with the others. I was worried that they really killed him. Well, they even had a plan if they would do it, how. He was always like a brother to me, well, except Sonic of course.

"And?" I asked trying to sound not so interested.

"She said, she thinks he is cute!" Now I spit out a long laugh. Shadow? Cute?! This is the best joke ive heard in years. I rolled around the floor still laughing, having even tears in my eyes. "Amy? Everything ok?" She asked and I just couldnt stop laughing. But Cream smiled at me, it was one of the first times I smiled or laughed here.

"Im-hahaha So-hohohoh-rry! Its just that I-hihihihi know this gu-huhuhuh-y and he isnt really the cutest I kno-hohoho-w!" I said with laughs between my sentence.

"Yeah, I saw this guy too and well...Nebula likes some kind of weird boys! (Sorry GothNebula, I still love your storys and like you)" She laughed along with me and I wiped some tears away.

"Do you remember the guy she dated? I think his name was Kian! He liked to watch unicorns in his imagination and ate much fish! But the fish he ate was still in the water as he ate it!" I laughed again hard as I thought about this guy. Yeah, he was nice and a good guy but dumb as hell!

"Yeah! And the boy she dated, that thought he could sing and he always wanted to go to broadway!" Nebula dated really some weird guys. But the heart wants what it wants, right?

I finally stopped to laugh and hugged Cream's arm. She was the only one excpet Lucie who I could anything and she was even like a sister. No, she is my sister.

"Your the best, Cream!" I said and she chuckled a bit. And I really smiled this afternoon. She could make me smile but only sometimes. Sometimes I would image how my life would be if I just stayed with my old friends. I think my life here with my sisters and Nebula is a bit better. And Im even the leader!

I just need to stay strong till Sonic leaves...

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