Chapter 5

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Sonic's POV:

Its been 2 days now since we started to look for the chaos emeralds. Tails told me that we are gonna be in Wanda in 10 Minutes. I was out on the wings again but didnt saw that we were going to land. I looked on the grounds under me. It were 5 kilomethres down there but I wasnt scared.

When Im in my thoughts nothing can desturb me then. Not even when I smell Tails'chillidogs! And as I told you the hundred time I was thinking about the most amazing pink Hedgehog in the world. Even when Im not seeing her I know she is amazing. She was, She is and always will.

"Sonic! Come down from there! We are gonna land now!" I heard Tails yelling from a window and sighing I stood up and went slowly straight to my window where I came outside from. I had a blue room of course and where I would normally sleep was a picture of me and Amy. It was the only possibility I could still see her. Through this little picture are always coming memories.

I felt the ground shaking a bit and I knew what was going on. We were only a few metres away from the ground. I was used to this shaking since I am always flying with Tails in this thing here.

"We have landed now, Freedome Fighters, we meet outside of the X-Tornado!" told Tails thsough the microphone and I headed outside. Even when Im the fastest thing alive I was the last one.

"Ok, guys! You all know the plan! We go to the castle, I will go inside, I talk to the king and when he is saying we can have we all head back! Understand?" I was a bit supcious about this plan. So I raised my arm. "Sonic." Sally said annoyed and I began to speak.

"But when you go in the castle alone, why does everyone has to come?" I asked her. She thought for a moment and looked back to everyone.

"Ok, plan change. Everyone who wants to come with me can come. The rest can have some rest for tomorrow!" I rolled my eyes at her and went up to her. After she said that everyone was running inside the X-Tornado again and Sally was turning to me. She groaned and I rolled my eyes. "Aw common!" She said and began to walk to the castle.

I still doesnt know why she is acting like this around me? So I tapped on her shoulder but she didnt responded. So I turned her around and looked in her eyes.

"Sally! Could you please stop acting like this?! We were friends before we were together and I want it to be like that again. Sally, you are a pretty and nice girl and I think you are a really good friend!" I told her and she had wide eyes. She sighed and pushed my hands away.

"Fine....we can be friends....and know I want silence..." I sighed but was a bit reliefed that we were friends again. "Do you want to know why I didnt invited Amy?" I looked at her shocked. She never talked about Amy. "I was jealous..." She stopped.

"Jealous? Why?" I asked her confused. I heard her sighing.

"I really loved you. And everyone could see that you liked her, no you loved her. You blushed everytime she was near her and you sometimes sighed dreamily! You never acted like that around me." I now realized why she did that.

"Sally, I liked you, really, but I never loved you truly. Im sorry, but I love Amy. Even when Im not sure anymore that she is alive." I told her and had my head down. She came over to me and held my shoulders.

"Believe me, she is alive." I smiled at her and we began to walk again. We wanted to enter the castle but two guards stopped us.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" One of them said and Sally stood infront of me with a annoyed look.

"I am Princess Sally Alicia Acorn and I need to see the king!" The other guard went near her face and gasped.

"We are so sorry Princess. A good day!" They said and let us through. It was a way bigger castle than in our kingdom and I was a little impressed. Sally seemed to know where to go coz she went through the hallways without stopping. And after two minutes we were in the Throne room and were infront the king who was a yellow hawk and his wife was a a red hawk.

"Ahh~ The Princess of Mobius! What can I do for you?" The king smiled down at her and hugged her.

"Hello, im sorry for the disturbing but we need the chaos emerald!" She said nicely and the king smiled again.

"Of course! I would do anything for the daughter of my best friend!"

"Wait, that easily?!" I asked surprised and thought it would a bit more difficult! I mean that is like I come to someone and ask if I can eat his foot and he just says yes. Ok, that was a bit weird example but you know what I mean.

"Yeah, I dont mind! Here you are!" e said and took out the red chaos emerald and gave it to me. The king and Sally said good bye to eac other and Sally went outside with me. I was still confused about what just happened. I mean we just needed to ask and we got it!

Well, I hope this is working everytime!

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