Chapter 20

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Sonic's POV:

I knew this was a bad idea. I felt so guilty for yelling at her. I think now she hates me even more. I couldnt focus on our adventure anymore.^I had so much emotions in me I could explode!

"Hey, Bro! What happened?" asked Manic whispering and went near to me. I glared at him and didnt wanted to answer.

"None of your business!" I told him and walked faster. All of the girls glared at me and I just wanted run. Run away from my problems and let everything behind. Why couldnt I just stop loving her? I know she doesnt feels the same way.

"Guys! There must be the emerald!" I heard Cream yelling and looked up to see a old museum called 'History with fun'. Yeah, right. I cant wait to listen to Tails when he talks about alle the things in there. Thats so much fun I could scream! (sarcastic)

"Are you sure?" I heard Sally asking Cream who was crossing her arms.

"Yes, Im sure! My computer never lies!" She said and walked in together with Amy. I saw that Amy seemed frustrated and who could blame her? I shouted at her in a small alley!

"Its not open. How are we suppose to get in?" asked Tails who tried to open the door. I saw Amy and Cream smirking at each other.

"How about we use this?" Cream said and took out a ball that looked like a toy. Did she wanted to throw it at the wall till it breaks?

"A ball?" I asked confused and Cream glared at me.

"Now Im hurt." She playfully said. "I call it a Atomic disintegrator! You just have to press this button-" she pointed to a small button that you can barely see. "- and press your hands against it and..." She began to walk towards the wall and in one second she walked through. I rubbed my eyes to see if this was my imagination but it was true. Everyone had wide eyes and a dropping jaw.

"Did she-" I began but was cut off by Amy.

"Yes." She answered with a smirk and catched the Ball or whatever Cream called this after it flew out of the wall. She went through the wall aswell and let us speechless.

"Did you just-" I began again while my finger was pointing at the wall where the two girls walked through a minute ago.

"YES!!" Screamed Amy through the wall and threw the thing through the wall again. Manic catched it and looked at it.

"She is kidding me right?" He said laughing nervously. I doubt it either.

"ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?!" We heard Cream yelling so we could hear her. Manic gulped, pressed the button and slowly went through.

"Wow! I always wondered how it feels to be in a wall!" I heard him saying and I laughed a bit. As we were little he always runned against walls to see if he can go through walls and now his dream came true. After a second he threw it back to us and now it was Sally's turn. "GUYS! YOU GOT TO TRY THIS!!"

"What if it ruins my hair?" asked Sally worried and everybody groaned.

"Just go through, Sally!" We all said in union and she sighed and with one try she was on the other side.

                                      ~After other hundred people went through:

It was now my turn. I was the last one to go through. I catched the ball and closed my eyes. I walked towards it and never open was inside. s I opened them again I saw that I was inside. Everyone was looking at me and Amy and Cream were annoyed.

"Is everybody through now?" asked Cream with a glare and I quickly nodded to her as s ign for yes. They began to walk to different rooms and I didnt knew exactly if I should be scared or not. I mean, Im in a big museum where could be guairds everywhere. And the most scaried point is: SHADOW IS HERE WITH ME IN A BIG HOUSE THAT IS CLOSED!! He can kill me just without that anybody noticed it. I bet he is already thinking about killing me and thats why he is smiling.

No wait, he is staring at Nebula?! What is wrong here?! Shadow cant fall in love! He doesnt even has a heart so its impossible! (He has a heart but he can be so rude that Sonic says it like that) I walked over to Tails and whsipered in his ear.

"Buddy, do you see what I am seeing?" I asked him while pointing to Shadow.

"Oh woah! He is SMILING?!" He shocked said and looked at me. Well, it was true. He only smiled when I hurted myself or something cruel is happening to me.

"No, I mean, he is staring at Nebula!" I said and pointed to Shadow's eyes. He followed and smirked at me.

"Wow, he is really in love. Like you with Amy!" I blushed a deep shade of red as he smirked at me. I looked to the front to see Amy smile again. But the problem is: She smiled to that guy!!! They talked and laughed!!!

"Yeah, but I think she has someone else in the eye." I said and crossed my arms.

"Ehhh...Sonic, thats her cousin." I blushed again but in emberassment. Man, I can get jealous fast. I should really be more calm.

"Guys! I see it!" Yelled Silver and we ran up to him.

"Uh oh..."

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