Chapter 33

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Sonic's POV:

Since this was a exhibition for fancy people, we couldnt go in there with the clothes we wore. Some of us had ripped clothes or so much dirt on it that you couldnt see the colours anymore. Even Sally, who tries everything to look as fancy as possible, looks like a poor girl compared with these people, and she is a princess. We needed new clothes. But there was one Big porblem: We didnt had rings to pay. I asked everyone if they had atleast one ring but nothing. These are typical problmes which always happen to me. Suddendly Sally walked away.

"Where are you going, princessa?!" I yelled after her as she didnt turned around and only cotuined to walk away.

"Im trying to get us clothes, you fool." she hissed and still contuined to walk. We all tried to catch up with her, because we wanted to make sure that she doesnt destroys the whole village when she was getting dirt on her dress. We still didnt knew what she was up to but we still followed her.

"And how are you goig to do that without rings, if I may ask?" asked Tails with his eyes rolling. You could see that he was out of breath because we walked so muc the last few days. Well, I think he is better in science and technology.

"I got an annual pass in almost every store for clothes, that means that we are going to Honey's." she explained and pointed to a yellow store where so much people were. It must be very popular then. Inside at the checkout was a yellow cat with black hair and a red dress on, Who I guess must be Honey. Sally ran up to the store without waiting for us...again...

"Damn that princess..." I heard Shadow mumble as he walked forward, following her with us behind them. Shadow was even more grumpy since Ched, Amy, Kathy, Rouge, Sonia and Nebula were sent in this other dimension.

Who knows why...

                                        .:::::: In the other dimension ::::::.

Narrator's PV:

Amy was still trying to figure out how to get this Amelia back to the good side, while Nebula had other problems. She had a bit of complications in this dimension, thats why she wasnt mentioned that often in the last few Chapters.

"Get away from me, you freak!!" She already had a sore throat because of the Screams and Yells that were meant for the Shadow in this dimension. This Shadow was nothing like the Shadow she knew and that freaked her out, because he picks flowers for her, writes Love-letters to Nebula and draws hearts on every wall he found. It was like he was insane about her and she didnt liked that.

She knew nothing about the plan that Amy was working out, she didnt even knew what was wrong with Kathy because she had to run away from Shadow. She already kicked him 'where-the-sun-doesnt-shine'four times and he was still following her.

"Common, Nebs! You know you want it too!" giggled Shadow and ran behind her, almost looking like he is drunk. Love drunk, he would say.

Amy was walking around the camp, tapping her index finger on her chin, still trying to think of a plan. The other Sonic wasnt helping much, he was just laying around, waiting to finally go with Amy to Amelia's castle. As Amy sat down on a big rock and sighing she realized that Nebula looked very terrifying as she ran past her. Amy never really saw her like that. Nebula was actually one of these girls who arent afraid of anything and who beat everybody up who messes with her friends. Then she began to laugh as she saw Shadow, with hearts as pupils, running behind her.

She never saw something this hilarious, except the time where Knuckles fighted with a Dog, because he thought that the dog ate his purse. Stupid guy...

Finally, Amy decided to help Nebula out, so she could help her with a plan. She let her Hammer appear in her hand and got a tight grip around it. She always wanted to knock Shadow out atleast one time. She smirked as Shadow and Nebula runned around her in a circle. Slowly, she began to wait for Shadow to be near enough to hit his head. He wouldnt slow down, but that didnt mean that Amy wouldnt get to him. She was used to knock running Monsters and Robots out so it wouldnt be that hard either. Then, within one second, Shadow was laying at the tree, having a goofy smile on his lips and a huge bump on his head. This will take a while till he wakes up.

Nebula was panting like there was no tomorrow and looking relieved as she could stop moving her legs for now. Amy was smirking to herself.

"I wouldnt get in my own way, to be honest." she laughed a bit and turned to Nebula who smiled at her.

"Thanks, Amy. I would have still runned the whole night if you wouldnt have done that." She thanked Amy and then Amy remembered what she needed Nebula for.

"Yes, and now I need your help." She answered and Nebula nodded. She was still panting and her legs hurted so much. "Im sure you heard about my version in this dimension, right?" I asked as she nodded again, saying she could contuine. "Well, I kinda found out that this sonic is in Love with her and I think I should try to get her back to normal." Amy explained what made Nebula wide eyed.

"You want...what?! You know this is crazy, right?!" yelled Nebula and waved her hand infront of Amy's face, trying to give a sign that she was totally insane. Amy sighed.

"Nebula, I've been through the same thing like this Sonic is going through and I can tell you that it hurts. You try everything to forget what happened but you cant. You wish and pray everything to be great again but it wont happen if dont do anything about it. I just dont want Sonic to feel this way." sighed Amy and turned her head away, sadness in her eyes as she caught Nebula smirking.

"So, you love Sonic?" She asked, holding in her laughter, trying not to be so cold hearted. Amy's face was redder than Knuckles' fur and you could see a tear running down her cheek.

"I never said that!" She paniced and threw her hands in the air, waving them like a crazy grandma that was arguing with a cashier that the cheese costs so much. "Can we please focus on the plan?!" Nebula nodded while she had tears in her eyes from laughing so much.

"Ok, ok, I was just kidding. So, what are planning on to do?" She asked Amy who had a nervous face. She shrugged.

"I dont know. This is why I need you." She explained and Nebula raised an eyebrow, a bit mad that she had to do all the work.

"I think Sonic should talk with her. You need to send all her guairds away, well, its easy for you, because you literally look like her. Then, you need to get her in some room alone with Sonic, but I think we should stay close, just in case she is attacking him or something." Amy was amazed how Nebula could think of a plan so fast and was emberassed and felt like a idiot that she needed one day and still hasnt figured out something.

"Sound good to me. After we have done that we will go back home when Kathy is in a right condition. I just hope everything is gonna turn out right..."

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